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Date Published: 03/26/10

The Man without a Face in Imo State


A certain man came to Imo State on a directionless journey. Whosoever that crosses his path is death with. Anybody that opposes his wicked polices loses his investment. Anybody that challenges his inhuman actions losses his properties to a crooked agency called ENTRACO. Anyone who reveals his criminal tendencies is treated with scorn. This man looks himself in the mirror every morning and addresses himself as the "INFANTILE LEADER" of Imo State and therefore above being corrected. He sees himself as the New Face of IMO, yet he has already lost his face in Imo State. The people of Imo State sees him as a man who has already lost face before them.

It should be noted that this INFANTILE LEADER has in the last 33 months in office grown into a monster. This is why the people of Imo State have returned to Almighty God so that they can be assisted to destroy this monster troubling them. Conversely, the monster is a satanic stronghold that must be pulled down. Until you have pulled those satanic strongholds down, they will remain the strength of troubles over your life, destiny, activity, development and progress. The entire thing that makes this wicked man who has no face in Imo State happy is the accomplishment of wickedness and evil. But these wickedness and evil that makes the wicked happy actually makes Almighty God angry. So when the wicked is at peace in the land of the people of God, it provokes the anger of God and affliction to the people of God. Therefore Imo citizens most attack the peace of the wicked and the evil ones. The Bible says in Psalms 7 verse 11 that Almighty God is angry with the wicked everyday. Furthermore the wicked can only be at peace when the children of God are not awake at their duty post to confront evil.

When you see a man boasting himself in evil manners, know that there is an evil spirit in him. This is clearly what is happening in Imo State under the leadership of Ikedi Godson Ohakim. This man who has turned himself into a monster is now the agent of the devil and Satan. He attacks the blessings of the people of the state without mercy. He has taken the people of Imo State from riches to poverty. He has turned the people of the State from good health to perfect infirmity. This monster behind the wheel of leadership in Imo State hates seeing people rejoice. He rejoices and celebrates when the people of God are weeping and complaining. This monster do not operate in the portion of the righteous but with the rebuke of the Lord this monster who has become the devourer will be disgraced and chased away from the land and life of the righteous in Imo State. At least it happened in September 1996. Rebuke of the Lord is a force from Almighty God that no power or Authority from hell or Satan has the ability to withstand. Rebuke of the Lord makes sure that wickedness comes to an end. At the rebuke of the Lord, every foundation and every beginning that is not of the Lord shall be discovered and be destroyed. The rebuke of the Lord is a weapon of warfare that carries the full strength of the life of God in battle.

Therefore when the flames of the rebuke of God is released as a weapon of warfare, Almighty God himself will enter into the battle front by the strength of his might. The strength of the flames of his rebuke is the breath of his month which is the mystery of the Word of God. When the word of God is released to stand against the strength of wickedness, the wicked must be turned into complete hopelessness and helplessness. That is why God has said in Exodus chapter 14 verse 14"The lord shall fight for you. And you shall hold your peace." Therefore the satanic and evilcratic leadership in Imo State led by Ikedi Ohakim calls for the battle of the Lord for vengeance.

Ikedi Ohakim says to himself, "I will continue to govern Imo State by all means". Yet he has forced even the elderly to carry heavy burdens. He did not care about the consequences of his actions. He has forced Imo citizens to trek on longer distances. He has forced Imo people to groan under his jezebelic leadership. He has refused to pay workers their salaries. And Ohakim says to himself again, "I am not accountable to anyone. I must get second term in office by all means. After all I now have Elvis Agukwe, Emma Iwuanyanwu, Osita Izunaso, Samfo Nwankwo, Ebere Udeagu, I.D. Nwoga, Willie Amadi, Goodluck Opia, Emeka ihedioha, Lemmy Akakem, Charles Ugwu, Chikwem Onuoha etc. He never knew that these people are food is ready elders. He never knew that they are food is ready politicians. He felt secure in his wickedness against the people of Imo State. He felt confident in the looting of the resources of Imo State. He said to himself again, "Imo people called me "His Excellency" by mistake. They did not know that I am a thief. They never knew that I am a crook. They never imagined that I have a long history of association with fraudulent people.

Then Almighty God opened the windows of heaven and saw the treachery of Ikedi Ohakim against the people of Imo State. And God nodded his head and said, "Disaster will overtake this man. Calamity will fall upon your way this time around. Catastrophe will arise so fast that Ikedi Ohakim will not know what hit him." For I am the Lord who created this earth. For what comes out of my mouth must not return to me unfulfilled.

There is no peace for the wicked. You have more than enough Special Assistants, Executive Assistants, Senior Special Assistants, Commissioners, bootlickers and Sycophants. Corrupt traditional rulers are with you. Corrupt judges are with you. Corrupt Bishops are with you. Discredited elders are with you. But I the Lord God Almighty, am against you because the cries and suffering of Imo citizens have reached me.

Let the people who are with you stand up and save you from what is about to happen to you. But they are as useless as you. All the people who did business of looting and destruction of Imo State will abandon you. For I am the Lord and I say there is no peace for the wicked.

Your new Face of Imo is faceless. Your New face of Imo is bleached. Your new Face of Imo is corrupt. Your new Face of Imo is full of people of questionable characters. I know them all. Soon I the Lord God of host will expose them and their activities for the people of Imo State to know.

"For I the Lord God of host have a destiny with the people of Imo State. Lo, Lo, Lo, I say lo Imo people are destined for greatness under a new leadership which I the Lord God of host will bring forth. I therefore pledge to redeem it. For I have the redemptive power of love for people in Imo State."

To conclude, may the wish of Almighty God as revealed in this article and write-up come to pass. The Lord God himself said, "My word will not come back to me unfulfilled" unquote.


Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha

Facilitator- SLAP Initiative

0703 2934037


Plot 98 ikenegbu layout Extension

Owerri- Imo State, Nigeria.

6 - 07 – 2009

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