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Date Published: 04/09/10

Demand of Ogoni Students in Diaspora




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April 4th, 2010 


The National Union of Ogoni Students USA held a meeting at Hayes Park, Chicago, Illinois on April 3rd, 2010. The state of affairs in Ogoni, Niger Delta, and Nigeria were discussed. In addition, a landmark election of new Officers was held.

We therefore issue the following communiqué; that,

1.       The newly elected officers of the organization are Messrs. Pius Barikpoa Nwinee (President), Sampson Npimnee (Secretary General), Baridakara Sunday (PRO), and Kenneth Babaa (Treasurer). We mandate them to speak on behalf of Ogoni Students, Ogoni, and Niger Delta people until next election cycle.

  1. The Nigerian national Assembly should expedite action on the review of the 1999 constitution. Electoral reform, State Police, and State creation should be giving top most priority to ensure a stable democracy in Nigeria.
  2. That, the people of Ogoni, Andoni, Nkoro, Opobo, and Oyigbo stand solidly behind their demand for the creation of Bori State.
  1. The Acting President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan should continue from where President Yar-Adua stopped and emulate his good policies. His expulsion of Shell Oil Company from Ogoniland in June 2007 was laudable. We send him our goodwill messages. We also urge the Federal Government of Nigeria to apologize to the Ogonis and Niger Delta people for four decades of environmental degradation and implement the Niger Delta master plan as well.
  2. On March 27 th, 2010, Shell Oil Company apologized to the Ogonis and Niger Delta people for four decades of environmental racism and devastation. The apology was tendered by Bradford Houpe, (Vice President, Ethical Affairs Committee.), “We never knew that we were bringing them impoverishment, conflict, abuse and deprivation. Now we know. Shell acknowledges it is responsible for larger oil spill, waste dumping and gas flaring,” This is a smoke screen. We would never accept apologies on the pages of the newspaper or media without genuine round table negotiation with the Ogoni and Niger Delta people. The company remains persona non grata in Ogoniland.
  3. We demand as of right the immediate exoneration of Ken Saro-Wiwa, et al from Nigerian criminal record. 
  4. Rivers State, Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, should stop forthwith the proposed relocation of 2 nd Amphibious brigade to Ogoniland in order to avoid inter tribal tension between the Ogoni and the Ikwerri people.
  5. That, Mr. Ledum Mitee’s divided loyalty in the Ogoni struggle has caused enormous frictions in Ogoni politics. He betrayed Ken Saro-Wiwa and does not represent the Ogoni people.
  6. We discovered Shell Oil Company’s vested interest in the Kiisi Education Trust Fund set up after the out of court settlement in the Shell Oil Co. V. Ken Saro Wiwa’s case in June 2009.  They have not only refused to contribute into the trust fund (U.S.$5M) but planted Mrs. …. On the board of the fund to serve as double agent. We write this as a protest against Shell Oil Company’s dubious tendencies and therefore advised Mrs. ….. to step down from the Kiisi Education Trust Fund immediately. We demand as of right the granting of ombudsman status to a member of the National Union of Ogoni Students’ USA to serve on the board of directors of the fund as soon as possible.
  7. The out-going president, Mr. KorneBari Nwike advised the new executive council to be steadfast and resilient in their service to Ogoni and Niger Delta. He thanked those who supported the out-going leadership and also called for same support for the new administration.

Finally, the world is watching and we therefore urge the Nigerian government to accede to the demands of the Ogoni people by creating Bori State; Shell Oil Company should genuinely own-up to its responsibilities in Ogoni and Niger Delta region by arranging a genuine avenue for open discussion. Also, the Ogoni people should stand up and be steadfast because we see brighter days ahead.


 Pius Barikpoa Nwinee                           Sampson Npimnee

(President)                                               (Secretary General)

Baridakara Sunday

(Public Relations Office)

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