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Date Published: 05/29/09

Press Release

Anambra, Help is on the Way -Dr. Eugene Ezekwueche

Dr. Eugene Ezekwueche

Awka, Anambra State; May 28, 2009 : Dr. Eugene Ezekwueche today, formed an exploratory committee for the Anambra gubernatorial race, on the Platform of the Peoples Mandate Party (PMP). Dr. Ezekwueche, a well respected US based professional and good governance activist has been inundated by calls from fellow Anambrarians thirsty for credible, purposeful leadership, to throw his hat into the Anambra gubernatorial race. In his statement released in Awka Anambra State, Dr Ezekwueche said “The purpose of forming an exploratory committee is in response to numerous calls from Anambrarians at home and abroad, and out of conviction that Anambrarians have been violated and abused by corrupt and insensitive leadership for too long. We are long overdue for a new visionary and people oriented leadership to restore the glory and harness the immense potentials of Anambra State. The immediate and long term agenda, facing our present generation is the task of rebuilding our State in all facets, a process whereby all, particularly children, women and the poor, will have access to quality health care, decent shelter, affordable education, adequate material means, equity, justice and ennobled citizenship. This task is not easy, given the bitter experiences of past years of failed governance. We must, for once and all time lay the solid foundation for sustainable reconstruction, renewal and restructuring in all facets of life in Anambra State. To those who care about our State, the facts are embarrassing. Few people can rationalize the systematic degeneration of our ideal, below even the narcissistic whims of the military during their years of dictatorship and dehumanization. ”

“We cannot catalogue all the afflictions of Anambra State. To do that will make us sad indeed. Nevertheless, we cannot afford to bury our heads in the sand, like the ostrich and pretend that all is well. There are nothing but woes and squandered possibilities everywhere you look. Where has all our national wealth gone to, given the sordid nature of our public infrastructures and social utilities; the poverty, ignorance and disease devastating our people; mass unemployment and dys-functional economic system; and the reduction of Anambra from an intellectual, commerce and agriculture power house to a frail, irrelevant corruption crippled State?”

“I have been blessed, fought to defeat the military dictatorship in Nigeria, played active role in the election of President Barack Obama of the USA and believe it is time to give back to Anambra my motherland. My fellow Anambrarians, with your support, help is on the way”


Dr. Ezekwueche was born in Abagana, Njikoka Local Government in Awka Division of old Onitsha province, Anambra state, Nigeria. After his Elementary Education in Abagana, Umuokpu-Awka, and Agulu respectively, he moved to Awka town where he attended Igwebuike Grammar School. He left the shores of Nigeria in 1982 after a two-year stint with Union Bank of Nigeria, Onitsha and Okoh in Aguata Local Government Area respectively in furtherance of his studies in United States of America. He holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting and Economics from New Jersey City University formerly known as Jersey City State College, and a Doctor of Pharmacy Degree from Howard University in Washington DC. Dr Ezekwueche is a savvy business man whose business affiliates/Associates extends to many fronts. He is the CEO and founder of Gencos Group- A health consulting group. He is also the founder of Genison LLC and Genison Integrated Ventures (Nig) Limited. He is a member of the board of many companies such as BREEJ Technologies, USA. He is founding board member and Secretary General of Solon Institute; a premier educational, research and policy think tank based in Washington DC.

He has received numerous commendations, honors and awards from various associations and groups. Among the awards is Biltmore WHO is WHO among Business Executives and Professionals in the world. Dr. Eugene Ezekwueche may be the change Anambra has been waiting for. It is up to you, Anambrarians.

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Mazi Joseph Aralu


Communication Bureau


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