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Date Published: 07/07/09

Final Word to DPA on Fashola and Works Ministry

Our attention has been drawn to the Press Release made Public on Thursday July, 2 nd 2009 by the Democratic Peoples’ Alliance (DPA) where the party asked the Governor of Lagos State Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola to surrender works Ministry by appointing a substantive Commissioner. The party says he (Fashola) should simply unbundle the Ministry from the government house and appoint an engineer or someone with requisite credentials to handle this fundamental sector. Now, in the Action Congress Lagos, we are not averse to good and quality advice from anyone or any other political party for that matter except that sometimes some mischief makers struggle to manufacture few statements just to be in the news. We in the Action Congress Lagos agree that any serious person or corporate body living and doing business in Lagos is a critical stakeholder and therefore qualified to offer useful suggestions on how to make Lagos, the economic nexus of Nigeria, a destination in Africa. DPA like any other party either genuinely existing or existing on the pages of newspapers is a Stakeholder in Lagos and therefore qualified to offer useful and constructive suggestions on the way forward. However, we are of the opinion that a Governor who believes that power goes with responsibility, a governor who is very passionate about maintaining the dignity of his Father’s name and a governor who seeks power to add values to governance in his country knows what to do. Such a Governor has a reason for whatever action he takes in the interest of the people. Such a governor must have seen the need to apply unusual solution to an unusual problem. Such a very sensitive, governor with the drive to make the difference in a nation where 90% of the leaders are colossal failures may have decided to thread the path less travelled.


Governor Fashola of Lagos State prepared for leadership. For years before he became the Governor he had been dreaming of a new Lagos that will compete favourably with other great cities in the world. He had spoken to close associates about his dreams for Lagos if he gets the opportunity to serve. He had sworn to restore the old glories of Lagos no matter whose ox gored if given the chance to prove his mettle. This was a prayer answered two years ago and we are all witnesses to what has happened in Lagos since then.

Now, of all the problems facing Lagos, Governor Fashola in his wisdom would have figured that Roads and Drainages are critical infrastructure that holds the key for rapid economic growth in Lagos. The business is here already, the critical mass is here, the critical institutions needed are here, the market is here, the workforce is here, the seaport is also here. What Lagos needs as a matter of urgency is to massively invest in Road projects to connect the city. Take a look around the metropolis, and see what is going on from Yaba to Ozumba Mbadiwe Lekki axis, from Ijesha – Okota link Bridge to Lekki – Ikoyi link bridge, from the proposed Lagos Island – Ikorodu link Bridge (Fourth Mainland Bridge) to the new Lagos Badagry expressway. From the countless number of roads and water chanelization projects going on in Lagos and the huge resources devoted to it, the need for speedy service delivery, accountability, monitoring and evaluation must have informed the Governor's decision to keep the works Ministry close to his chest.

No Law in Nigeria says a Governor must appoint a particular Commissioner for the purposes of getting things done. It is a normal practice all over the World that a President or Governor may decide to preside over a critical Sector or Ministry in order to get things done. A leader who is in a hurry to get things done may decide to remove bottlenecks and bureaucracies by taking over a very important agency or ministry. Governor Fashola knows that if he can provides roads and drainages in Lagos (A coastal city) and provide security, other things can add up. If Lagosians can move about freely to do their business without let or hindrance, if Lagosians can be guaranteed of safe environment, and if indeed Lagosians can be guaranteed of a decent environment, we do believe sincerely that other things can add up. For instance values of lands and property will appreciate. You know what land is to Lagos!

We appreciate the concerns of DPA when it says "The Burden of running the affairs of the entire gamut of State business deprives the Governor time to adequately fulfill the demands of this strategically critical Ministry". But the truth is that Governor Fashola is not complaining. He is mentally, physically, psychologically and emotionally prepared this job. And as a party, we know that BRF is enjoying the job. We understand the fact that ruling a State as complex as Lagos poses grave challenges, we understand the enormity of the problems facing 18million Lagosians as they go about doing their businesses, and we also appreciate the fact that problems are part of life.

Besides, Governor Fashola has Engineer Ganiyu Johnson as Special Adviser Works & Infrastructure, a cabinet member with almost the status of a commissioner. Engr Ganiyu Johnson is a 1981 University of Southern California, Los Angeles first class trained Civil / Structural Engineer with almost 30years experience in the industry. Engr Ganiyu Johnson has B.Sc, M.Sc in Civil/Structural Engineering, a professional Engineer in the State of California, a member of American society of Engineers, a fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, a fellow institute of structural engineers and a fellow Nigeria institute of Civil Engineers.

From June 1980 – August 1983, Ganiyu Johnson worked at Bechel Powers Corporation 12400 E. Imperial Hwy. as a Structural Engineer specializing in Analysis and Design of Steel and Concrete Structures Associated with nuclear power plants on Song 2&3 in California, Korea 5&6 in Korea and Diablo – Canyon project in California. Ganiyu Johnson worked as Engineer Grade 1 specializing in design and supervision of Bridges in the Federal Ministry Works & Housing from 1984 – 1985. Ganiyu Johnson has been a principal Engineer, Assistant Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer, Assistant Director, General Manager, New Town Dev. Authority (NTDA), General Manager Public Works Bureau, Permanent Secretary Public Works Bureau, Permanent Secretary Office of Infrastructure Construction, Re-construction, Rehabilitation and maintenance of Roads. Today, Engineer Ganiyu Johnson is a Special Adviser to His Excellency, Governor Fashola on Works & Infrastructure. Ganiyu Johnson is one of top experienced Civil / Structural Engineers we have in this country who are loaded, practical, very deep, knowledgeable and versatile.

Governor Fashola may not have all the answers to Lagos Problems but he intends to leave an indelible work in the sands of times in Lagos. Martin Luther King reminds us that "The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort and convenience but how he stands in times of controversy and Challenges" Governor Fashola does not run away from controversies and challenges. He takes them head on. Every true leader has his own unique methods or ways of addressing a particular problem, and I know that Fashola is not an exception. Let us give him the chance to apply his own methods, ideas, plans and discoveries as we wait for results in years to come.

Joe Igbokwe

AC Publicity Secretary

Lagos State

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