Date Published: 10/22/09
21st October 2009.
Press Release.
The Lagos State chapter of the Action Congress has lambasted as frivolous, unserious and childish the recent boast by the National Chairman of the PDP, Vincent Ogbulafor that his party must win Lagos and Kano States in the 2011 votes. The party says that like any other statement from such an unserious character like Ogbulafor, who has no political base, the boast is a sick and deranged joke meant to tickle the fancies of those that put Ogbulafor in his present position.
In a release in Lagos, signed by the party’s Lagos State Publicity Secretary, Joe Igbokwe, Lagos AC says that Ogbulafor has been a comic character that is carried away by his Alice-in-wonderland exhumation from political death to become the chairman of PDP that he makes frivolous and jesting remarks at every turn to show his gratitude to his masters. The party insists that the PDP will shed most of the state it fraudulently stole in the charade of April 2007 during the up-coming 2011 election as nothing will further sustain the fraudulent pedestal on which PDP is structured.
“One would have expected a reveler like Ogbulafor to tell his party men of how he will deliver his state Abia in 2011 but he is talking of Lagos, where PDP has been totally buried by the wonderful performance of the AC government. One understands that Ogbulafor, who barely escaped a humiliating sack recently, is under undue pressure to impress his principals, not through his sterling performance but through such empty and hollow boasts as his party recording one magical feat through means that are dirty and scorns decency at every turn.
“It would be recalled that immediately after he was selected as the chairman of the PDP from a political dungeon, Ogbulafor was so excited that he made the vacuous boast that the PDP will rule Nigeria for sixty years. He is living to his billings as a weightless political wayfarer that at every turn, strives for means to please his masters. It is a pity that he finds comfort in romancing wild and unrealizable dreams as that of capturing Lagos, after the grand failure of the PDP in this impossible task for ten years and as the world is acknowledging Lagos as the only success story in this past ten years of PDP’s rouge governance.
“Ogbulafor wants to take over Lagos, not through the superior performance of his party but through the presumption that the cartel which humours him as the national chairman would be perpetually allowed to steal the people’s mandate through illicit and criminal means. This should be instructive to Nigerians who bear the burden of this weightless reveler and comic character. At a time all the federal highways are unmotorable, the nation’s refineries have been wrecked and Nigerians are being prepared for another round of fuel price increment, at a time that joblessness and poverty are dealing terrible blows to Nigerians, at a time a permanent state of insecurity and fear have over swayed the country, at a time inflation has whittled down life in Nigeria to rags, the national chairman of the party that brought these miseries is talking of winning additional states.
“Ogbulafor presides over a so-called party that has ridiculed the country in the comity of nations for the past ten years, a party that signifies the total destruction of Nigeria, a party that represent all the negative values and vices that have combined to cripple a well-endowed giant and elevated corruption to a state policy yet he is still dreaming of conquering more states through dubious electoral shams like those of April 2003 and 2007. It is a shame that characters like Ogbulafor are parading the streets and insulting our collective intelligence as a people robbed and raped blind by PDP’s criminal activities these past ten years.
“Lagos AC looses no sleep over the frothing of people like Ogbulafor, especially when they are empty boasts of excited straw men that seek to desperately ingratiate themselves to the source of their newfound fortune. Every reasonable Nigerian knows that the PDP Ogbulafor presides is on the brinks of extinction. The dream of a non-performing party capturing Lagos is a wild day dream of a jobless reveler that wants to say something so as to please his principals and avert an apparent rustication. Ogbulafor knows that the PDP is a horrible experience and that in any free and fair polls, the PDP will not win up to four states in Nigeria. He knows that Nigerians loathe the PDP with a passion and are united in their desire that that cartel of fraud should die for Nigeria to progress. He knows fully well that the PDP has ceased to exist in Lagos and even Kano and that the Fashola wonder in Lagos is making Nigerians wish that the PDP should die for Nigerians to taste good governance.
“We advise Ogbulafor to grow up and realize that Nigeria will never tolerate electoral fraud in 2011. We want him to know that PDP has ruined Nigeria and as such should prepare to face the wrath of Nigerians. The pitiable state of Nigeria at present should warn Ogbulafor that 2011 would not be another corrupt electoral bazaar for his party.”
Joe Igbokwe.
Publicity Secretary,
Lagos AC.