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Shell Oil Incursion In Ogoni




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March 19th 2008

For Immediate Release



The attention of the National Union of Ogoni Students’, USA has been drawn to media reports (especially Vanguard March 13th, 2008), “Shell resumes operations in Ogoni”; and the rebuttal by the Rivers State Government, Nigeria.

We wish to use this medium to draw the attention of the world to this unholy incursion by Shell Oil Company, (in collaboration with- Nigeria Joint Military Task Force and the Rivers State Government). Ogoni people have demonstrated to the world these twelve years that they are a non-violent, peace loving people. Shell Oil Company shouldn’t draw these peace loving people to resort to nasty methods of agitation for their rights by it manipulative tendency.


Following Shell Oil grand design to take-over Ogoni territory including land and waters by any crude and cruel means possible, we the Ogoni Students in diaspora wish to state as follows: That:

1. Shell Oil Company remains persona non grata in Ogoni Land and any attempt by it, the Joint Military Task Force or the Rivers State Government to make incursion in Ogoni without thorough negotiation and agreement by all Ogonis (home and abroad) would be resisted by any legal means necessary. Shell Oil and her cohorts shall be held liable for any blood spilt (if any).

2. We shall not stop but would mobilize the civil society – Students, Market women, Unionist, human right groups etc against them.

3. The Said Shell Oil Company resumed operation is an intimidation/provocation of our people which would not be tolerated because it is intended to brew conflict/crisis in Ogoniland.

4. Ogoni people should be peaceful, vigilant, stay on course on their demand for an OGONI STATE because Shell Oil distraction is aimed at throwing Ogoni people off-course now that we are focused on the Ogoni State creation.

5. We’ve been watchful of Shell Oil activities around Oyigbo, Eleme and Tai areas of Ogoni. While we advice our people to be calm, we wish to re-iterate that vigilance and resurgence is important.

6. Although the Rivers State Government has issued a rebuttal to Shell Oil Company statement, she cannot totally divorce herself from these tripartite alliances of Shell Oil, Joint Military Task Force. We therefore advice Hon. Amaechi (Rivers State Governor) to stay clear of any Shell Oil Company’s entanglement and abide by his press statement denouncing complicity in this matter. The issue of Ogoni and Shell Oil is beyond State matters as he rightly pointed out.


7. Ogoni youths (Messrs MeeBari Sunday Suunaa, Ledum Mene and Sunday Goni Gad) who were beaten and tortured by the Shell oil accompanying Joint Task Force should be adequately treated and compensated. Torture is against international law and shouldn’t be condoned in Nigerian democracy no matter who is involved.

8. President Musa Yar-Adua should immediately withdraw military killer squad from Ogoniland because we’ve seen enough of military killings since 1993. He should rather negotiate and accede to Ogoni demand for a State and avoid backdoor deals, a known antic employed by his predecessor former President Obasanjo.


KorneBari Nwike Austin Lemea

President Secretary

Lambert Deebom

Director, Publicity & Mobilization







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