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Date Published: 01/09/10



     The meeting of Unity Forum of Wednesday, 6 th January, 2010 reviewed the horrifying, shocking and disturbing news of the alleged failed terror attack on a Detroit-bound flight which has elicited so much public discourse.

     It is indeed, condemnable, unacceptable and totally irresponsible for anybody, under whatever guise to knowingly and deliberately cause the destruction of innocent lives and properties. Any such acts by anybody and from wherever stand condemned. Having said this however, we in Unity Forum believe that both Governments of Nigeria and United States of America should reflect deeply on this incidence and join hands to build an even stronger and mutually beneficial relationship between the two Countries.

     Listing of Nigeria among countries to be watched for terrorism, and subjecting its innocent citizens travelling to the United States to extra search is, to say the least, hasty unfortunate and seemingly premeditated. Nigerians are generally peace loving and have no passion to die for any cause. Nigeria as a country has also consistently been making positive contribution to peace keeping around the world. We therefore call on the United States Government to immediately reverse the decision which is most unacceptable. They must not lend credence to the suspected conspiracy theory.

    Rather than ostracizing the country, the United States Government should constructively engage its Nigerian counterpart to help bring about credible election and step up efforts in the corruption fight in the country. This will promote good governance, socio-economic and political development.

      The Nigerian Government should on its part, and immediately too, re-examine its educational policy. Concrete, visible and sustainable efforts should be made to reinvigorate our comatose educational sector. Our educational institutions should and must be functional as they were years back or even more. Too many of our children, mostly of tender age are sent abroad for their tertiary education (some even secondary school) and therefore are exposed to all sorts of cultures and influences. There are schools in the Far East, Middle East and even Eastern Europe where there are more Nigerian students than their indigenous colleagues.

      As a start, all political office holders should be barred, by law, from sending their children to schools outside Nigeria up to 1 st degree level. This, we hope, will push and give impetus to the desired reform in the educational sector. Parents should also take closer interest in what company their children keep. Shun ostentatious living and open/arrogant display of stupendous (mostly ill gotten) wealth. These acts debase our family/societal values.


                       MUSA MAIGIDA ABDU

                      Chairman (07/01/2010)

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