Date Published: 02/28/10
Press statement by the Democratic Alternative on the Nigerian Sovereignty and the Aso Rock Evacuation drama
27 February 2010
By Dr Abayomi Ferreira, President, Democratic Alternative
Whilst the entire country is forcibly submerged in the Yar’Ardua evacuation drama that is being staged at Aso Rock by the kitchen people, the Democratic Alternative does not lose sight of some significant side development in the sorry saga. The DA is not surprised at the development but for its effect on the sovereignty and political independence of Nigeria. We are not taken aback because the party is aware of the neo colonial status in which the right wing politicians and parties have country in 50 years of the formal departure of the British from the government of Nigeria. The involvement of the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom in the proposed resolution of the confusion the PDP has precipitated in the Yar’Adua evacuation drama and its political implications is another evidence of the role of both countries in overlooking the politics and economy of Nigeria. The two governments have called for return to constitutionality and the avoidance of confusion in this period in Nigeria. Indeed, the British government has declared its support for the Acting President as being in charge of Nigerian affairs. The calls tally with the wishes of democratic forces and the people of our country.
However, the occurrence is another evidence of the failure of the PDP and other right wing parties that are in government to give meaning and reality to the true independence of our country. No foreign government interfered in the power transfer process in Israel when the President went into coma. It was a straightforward and smooth process befitting a sovereign country and people. The PDP has been totally incapable of such a simple political and constitutional process. Indeed, a party that is incapable of a simple transfer of presidential responsibilities from an elected president to an elected vice president both of whom hold the same electoral ticket and belong to the same political party is a historic curse on this country. The whole lot of them are not fit by any measure of qualification to be in government. The DA has said it twice since the commencement of this shameful drama that it does not really matter to our national development whether Yar’Adua or Jonathan or Mark or Bankole is on the presidential seat; the unfortunate truth is that there will be no positive effect on the development of our country. We of the DA hereby calls on the dramatis personae of this shameful drama to bring it quickly to a close and let the people put their minds on issues of national development.
For Democracy and Liberation
Dr Abayomi Ferreira
President, Democratic Alternative