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Date Published: 03/18/10


P.O. BOX 743936

DALLAS, TEXAS 75374-3936 USA  

Press Release Issued on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 for Immediate Publication  



Based on the fact that much has been said and debated between political pundits and Ohakim’s supporters pertaining to whether Imo State under Governor Ikedi Ohakim is making progress or going backward, we set a fact-finding team led by Chief Sam Okere to visit Imo State during December/January this year. Before going to Nigeria, we heard that there was a massive facelift and upgrade of social amenities in Owerri, Imo State capital. Also some wondered if the current massive improvement in and around Owerri is a genuine visionary brain child of the Governor, or just cosmetic ploy to please some political juggernauts of Owerri Senatorial zone.  

Based on our visit we can categorically attest to the fact that Ohakim’s administration has taken special interest to renovate and improve the neglected infrastructure, sanitation, municipal roads, sewage, transportation, traffic jam and quality of life which previous administration ignored. We went and we saw!  

Some of the people that later joined our team were Dr. Richard Nwachukwu, CEO and Publisher of THE AFRICAN HERALD, Board member of both Imo State Congress of America (ISCA) and Imo State Association, DFW, INC., Dr. George Njoku, President of Imo State Association, DFW. We met with Prince Lemmy Akakem, Barr. Jerry Egemba, Secretary General of Board of Trust, New Face Organization and paid a courtesy visit to the Chief of Staff to the Governor, Sir Emma Ohakim in Owerri for clarifying questions we had. They gave us the outline of some of the Governor Ohakim’s accomplishments for people of Owerri and Imo state in general, which we later confirmed independently.  

We agreed that dredging of the Nworie River will have economic impact on the people of Owerri and Imo State in general. This project which is divided into four phases, the initial phase cost about N7.00 billion and the contract went through a normal bidding process and was awarded to an indigenous contractor. Additionally, Imo State Government spent only N100 million in consultation and feasibility studies by US engineers, while the Federal Government will fund the entire project through NDDC.  Dr. George Njoku, a US-based renowned Environmentalist further enumerated the benefits of such a project would attract improvements on the following: quality of lives of people residing along the river base, the Owerri sewage and drainage system, flood control, and creation of employment through tourism and recreation. Dr. Njoku also asserted the dredging will reduce the aquatic vegetation growth by lowering the river bed below photic zone. He said this will in turn help in dealing with nutrient loading, including reduction of sedimentation overload and reduce and/or eliminate pollutants levels especially the heavy metals. The dredging, according to Dr. George Njoku, to a certain depth may increase the habitat of fish.   

Also some of the ongoing major capital projects in the State are the Royal Oak Refinery and Petro-chemical industry at Egbema, in which the State Government has extended invitation to Federal Government for partnership for it’s completion, the investment into Air Midwest Nig. Ltd, which will assist in stabilizing her base in Owerri. The Governor was instrumental in bringing the attention of Federal Govt to take over the construction and implementing the upgrade of the Sam Mbakwe Airport to international standard. When completed, these projects will create more employment for the people of Imo State.  

Based on the foregoing and other facts, including the water schemes, we unanimously agreed that the administration of Governor Ikedi Ohakim is executing people-oriented programs in Imo State. We commend the governor for doing so. We also indulge him to do more in the area of security and local government elections. Various communities have expressed profound gratitude to the administration of Governor Ohakim, including various towns in Owerri for insightfulness and vast knowledge of what the administration is doing. I personally visited other parts of Owerri to verify all accomplishments of Ohakim’s administration, which I reported to the team; we expressed our support for the governor—we strongly supported all we saw. The results of our fact-finding mission were shared with Owerri people and other Imo State indigenes such as Dr. Acho Orabuchi, a man with impeccable character.  

In conclusion, the Owerri People want Governor Ohakim to stay in office to complete the people-oriented programs he has started. We are calling on Chief Martins Agbaso and Senator Ifeanyi Ararume to withdraw and cease all pending lawsuits against Imo State and the governor. Their actions are distractions that are costing Imo State dearly. Imo State is suffering tremendously because of the actions Chief Martins Agbaso and Senator Ifeanyi Ararume and the people of Imo State (home and abroad) will not forgive them for dragging the State down and backward.   


Chief Sam Okere

President General

Owerri People’s Association, Inc.

Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas


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