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Channels TV Closure: Matters Arising




Concerned Professionals is alarmed at the slow but steady descent of the Nigerian nation into apparent civilian dictatorship and unfortunate disregard for the rule of law in the country climaxing in the  suspension of the operating license, and subsequent closure, a fortnight ago, of the Lagos- based private TV station, Channels Television by the National Broadcasting Commission NBC and the State Security Service SSS respectively, ostensibly on the orders of President Umar Musa Yar’Adua’s administration.

The closure, while it lasted, was a sad reminder of the better-forgotten years of military dictatorship in the country when Nigerians often woke up to the news of closure of media houses and harassment of journalists carrying out their legitimate duties. To have taken such a bizarre, undemocratic, totalitarian and oppressive action on the eve of the country's 48th Independence Anniversary amounted, for all intents and purposes, to telling the world that we are not ready for democracy, our pretensions to the contrary notwithstanding. Besides, for an administration that has consistently turned adherence to the Rule of Law and Due Process into a mantra to have undertaken such a jackboot response beggars beliefs.


While commending the administration for eventually bowing to public opinion and effecting the lifting of the suspension and closure of the TV station, we however challenge it to rise up spiritedly to the numerous developmental challenges bedeviling the nation, sixteen months in office, with the same energy and fury it carried out the unfortunate and illegal closure. To be seen and perceived to be clueless while unwittingly creating and sustaining a climate of palpable fear and media suppression across the nation, as typified by the action, is one dividend the Nigerian citizenry least expect from  this democracy.

We commend all well-meaning Nigerians for standing up to be counted in the national opposition to the Gestapo-style of the President and his team, whose preference appears to be for a ‘rumour-driven’ nation rather than informing the nation on goings on, as clearly demonstrated in the handling of the recent absence of the President for more than two weeks. By such overwhelming response by the citizens to that democratic infraction by the Federal Government, a strong message has been passed that we all stakeholders in this democratic experience. Above all, that Never Again would we allow .

Joel Nwokeoma
Executive Director
For and On Behalf of Concerned Professionals Ltd/Gte

Joel Nwokeoma, M.Sc
Executive Director
Concerned Professionals Ltd/Gte
36A, Ikorodu Crescent,
Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi
Tel: +234-01-461-4085
Mobile: +234-805-2030-175
Email: njoel@concernedprofessionals. org
      www. internationalpeaceandconflict. ning.com/profile/okoroma


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