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Random Musings 1 by Churchill Spencer Umoren


Churchill Spencer Umoren



Sometime last week a review committee set up by the Nigerian senate to look into the cover up job done by the Ndoma-Egba committee on the scam at the PTDF, submitted a bombshell. The verdict came shortly after the damaging testimony by one of President Obasanjo's former cronies, and member of his store cabinet, between 1999 and 2005, Otunba Fasawe. The verdict was clear- both the President and his deputy are corrupt. The senator Umaru Tsauri led committee declared “the committee views the action of President Obasanjo as illegal and therefore refers Mr. President to the code of conduct Bureau for further action. In respect of some projects commenced in 2006, particularly the establishment of the African Institute of Science and Technology, in the FCT, incorporation of Galaxy backbone Plc, and purchase of computers for civil servants, under the Computer for All Nigerians Initiative (CANI)for which Mr. President Obasanjo gave approval and subsequently obtained the ratification of the FEC laudable as they may seem, were outside the mandate of the PTDF as provided for in section 2 of the enabling act. The President and FEC acted in disregard of the law establishing the PTDF. Though the ratification by FEC may mitigate this breach of the law, it however does not absolve the President and FEC” The committee failed to mention that most of these projects were heavily inflated, and handled by Obasanjos men, and that FEC is just a rubber stamp.

Fasawe told the senate that Obasanjo paid into his account a whooping N700million some years back when he told the President he (Fasawe) was broke. According to Fasawe he almost single handedly financed the PDP for years. But today, because the President feels Fasawe is becoming too close to VP Abubakar Atiku is using all means possible to hound Fasawe who is also a very corrupt individual. Truth is, Obasanjo is neck deep in the scams not only at PTDF, but also the Central bank, NNPC, and NEPA. The President was so scared of this report that he detailed crooks likes Emeka Offor, Andy Uba, and Florence Ita -Giwa to lobby senate President Ken Nnamani, to trash the report. But the move failed. It is also on record that Obsanjo approved the lodging of $30m in TIB, even though his goons are denying it. The VP wrote the CBN, which in turn wrote the finance Minster who later gave her nod. She wouldn’t have done so without Obasanjos approval.

At the weekend, former military Governor of old Kaduna state, Major Umar said EFCC boss Nuhu Ribadu should stop covering up for his boss President Obasanjo. He spoke against the backdrop of claims by Ribadu that Atiku  is corrupt, but Obasanjo is a saint. While there are overwhelming evidence of corrupt practices against the President and his men, like Bode George, Liyal Imoke, Mallam El Ruffai, Andy Uba, Gbenga Daniel, Ribadu continues to look the other way. But he failed to explain why his boss is at fighting the senate over a bill seeking to curtail Obasanjos powers over the EFCC. But his (Ribadu) chief of staff, Dapo Olorunyomi, saw nothing wrong with the amendments. "Our point of view is not necessarily about how much the amendment had whittled the powers of the President. The way we had looked at this and the way we view the principally in the area of how it affects our central mandate" Two areas article 6(D) and 3(2) are bothering Obasanjo. The first speaks more about the tracing, identification, and freezing of assets. The EFCC must now obtain court orders to legalize such action. Second part says the President must get two thirds majority of the senate before he can appoint or remove any official of the commission. We are not sure if Ribadu and his boss are comfortable with Olorunyomi's position. Speaking in London recently, Ribadu rather naively defended his selective justice. Modus operadi. He said the operational philosophy of the EFCC has always been to pick on selective targets in the bid to obtain maximum impacts. The question is how long will Ribadus targets continue to be Obasanjos political opponents?

The US senate has limited the powers of President Bush to unilaterally fill US attorneys vacancies. This came as a backlash to the senseless defense put up by Attorney General, Gonzales, as reasons for the sackings. The 94-2 vote cancels the President's powers to appoint without senate approval. According to the senate, Bush abused that authority that came with the patriot act; by saying the counsels were incompetent. This was a lie. Since then damaging emails between the white House and the Department of Justice, on one hand, and those between the DOJ and some Republicans, have been made public. They show why these fine lawyers were shown the gate--they would not hound the Democrats without just cause. Yes, since they are political appointees, they can be fired at any time by the President, (former President Bill Clinton fired 98) but the issue is why put their career at risk by tagging them incompetent. Just like Bush has shown some dumb discretion on Iraq, this one is refusing to go away because its aftermath was handled by men who are not fit to be in the White House in the first place. Another dumb move-Bush insisting incompetent advisers like Karl Rove will not testify under oath makes no sense. Is he afraid they would lie on oath? Of course!

Although the margin was slim, the congress at last fixed a date for the pull out of troops from Iraq. It was slim because some Democrats were not happy with speaker Nancy Pelosi. They wanted an immediate withdrawal, instead of the 2008 date fixed for the commencement. Well its good news however, for those young men and women caught in a senseless civil war, their parents, loved ones, and the American people. But President Bush in his usual dumb move vowed to veto it if it passes in the senate and gets to his table. Well Bush should know that tendencies put him on same page with Chavez, Ahmedinajad, Putin and Mugabe. The good news again is the fact that Bush leaves soon, and we will be through with Republicans for good. Truth is, even if the Democrats present an aide to a congress man as candidate, they will rout whoever Republicans present. Issue is not the person but faulty positions on Iraq, immigration etc.


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