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Random Musings 2 by Churchill Spencer Umoren


Sometime last year, Nigeria’s Information minister, Frank Nweke, with brief case laden with tons of foreign currency, led a group of corrupt govt. officials to Washington DC, to begin what they tag ’Heart Of Africa Project’ This is an image laundering scam, common during the days of former military dictators, General Ibrahim Babangida, and late Gen. Sani Abacha. It usually happens when those in charge know their rating, both local and international, is at an all time low. They pick a sweet talking official, make available millions of dollars, and send him to go and prosecute what a New York based, Nigerian human rights activist; Edward Oparaoji called a criminal scheme. Nweke, who few weeks ago, stupidly denied the CNN documentary on the rot and activities of the militants in the Niger delta, has commenced the second leg of this national embarrassment. Lest i forget, this very rogue minister, in concert with Nigeria's Ambassador in the US, last year packaged a trip by America footballers to Abuja. According to him, the trip which cost over N5 million was aimed at improving relationship between Nigeria and the US...Amazing.

This phase two of the Heart of Africa Project has shifted from DC to Houston and Atlanta. According to Nweke, the objective is to 'tell your own stories to the world' The questions are, what story is Nweke and his men going to tell Nigerians in Diaspora, or the American people. Are they going to tell us why the Economic Corruption Commission (EFCC)is being selective, why the Obasanjo government has continued to neglect the Niger Delta, why have they swept under the carpet the culpability of President Obasaanjo and his men in the PTDF scam, what has happened to the President's men like Andy Uba(poised to be Anambra state governor) indicted for money laundering in the US, who compiled the EFCC corrupt politicians list, who killed Bola Ige, why did the police close the case, what collateral did the president use to get the N2billion loan used to renovate his farm in otta, what happened to the billions raised at the Presidential library launch, it is endless. Another Nigerian activist in the US, Dr Baba Adam summed' it is ill conceived, waste of resources, and futile.'

It is amazing how some of President Obasanjos men are going crazy. His party chairman, Ahmadu Ali, is one imbecile who is not fit to occupy any position in a sane system. This man caused a stir sometime ago when he made his wife and son board chairmen. Now he is fighting tooth and nail to ensure his wife is the party's senatorial candidate in one of the zones in Delta state. The fight continues. But do we blame him. In Ogun state, Obasanjo is doing everything possible, including disqualification by EFCC of credible people, to ensure his daughter, Iyabo, becomes senator. Do you know she is in charge of sales of Nigeria’s oil blocks?  

There is no doubt that the President Olusegun Obasanjo is one of the most corrupt we have had. There is also no argument about the number of politicians who have been assassinated under Obasanjo, all unresolved. Curiously, the Nigerian police closed the case of the assassinated former justice minister, Bola Ige. What about statute of limitation. As the elections draw close, Obasanjo has made it clear that it is going to be a do or die affair. He said recently' as for me the coming elections is going to be between life and death, a do or die affair ‘Wow you may ask, but Obasanjo said on Sunday, he stood by his utterances. it is against this backdrop that the US senate committee on Nigeria elections has said it is not taking such utterances lying low. Sen. Ross Feingold, said 'the committees(senate and congress)will soon meet to discuss the clearly deteriorating political situation in Nigeria to take further steps to hold the Nigeria Govt. accountable for any crisis that might result from the elections' After the collapse of the 3rd term evil agenda of Obasanjo, he and his goons will do whatever to hold on to power after May 29...+

Last November, the ABC did a true but damaging story on scammers in Nigeria. It was really an expose. It showed how Nigerian youngsters are desperate to get rich quick by taking advantage of the greed and gullibility of some people. Today, these guys are getting more desperate. Daily you receive emails from characters asking you to provide details of your account for a transfer of huge amounts.  The writer could be a bank official in Burkina Faso, who stumbled on huge cash left behind by a rich client with no next of kin. He wants you to pose as next of kin, get the money, keep 20 per cent and turn over the balance to them. Or it could be a terminally ill widow who has a joint account with her late spouse, and wants to give the millions to charity through you. These rogues could send you emails telling you have won huge sums of money in an internet lottery. The latest is offers from companies in Asia asking you to be their agent in America . You collect checks from customers on their behalf. Of course you are offered a generous commission. Wait a minute, its all lies. They bait you, and start asking you for funds for administrative fees to tidy up. Could begin with 500dollars, and progresses, and when you become suspicious, they stop communicating. Recently i called one of the numbers in Asia , and the man who claims to be Mr. Ming Yang, spoke to me in an African assent.


May her soul rest in peace. But I have never liked that woman. she was a brainless, vain woman, who was all out to get fame and money. What with her marriage to a 90 yr old man in 1995. Her silly lifestyle killed her son, and is now endangering the life of 5month old Dannilyn. Larry Berkhead should not bother himself about where she is buried, they can cremate or feed her to the vultures, what he should concern himself is DNA. Howard K. Stern is really acting suspicious. A pal of Anna told Fox News, that the latter said he never had sex with Howard. Could this be true? Questions are, why is Howard scared of the DNA test? Is he plotting to pounce on the $486million fortune through the baby? Were Anna and Daniel murdred.What role did he play in the administration of methadone to Anna and Daniel. Was he an enabler? Is Dannilyn safe with Howard? What is in the best interest of the child?

It is amazing how this news medium owned by Murdoch, is giving the Republican Party a bad name. Fox is my favorite after CBS no doubt, but the way some of its presenters conduct themselves is not in the interest of the Republicans. There are good men in the party. Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, etc. They keep throwing bricks at the so called liberal press, but the question is, if only Fox is on the right in a country like as vast as America, then something is wrong with being a conservative. I hate that word. I see conservatism in Iran, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Venezuela , Russia, etc. Fox gave the American people several false poll results cooked up in their newsroom until most Republicans lost last November. Now they have started addressing the wrong issues. How can Hannity say global warming is a lie? Even frontrunner john McCain acknowledged the effects in California. What they don’t get is, as long as George W. Bush continues to send young men and women to Iraq to die unjustly, any idiot presented by democrats will win next year. No one is saying leave Iraq today, but the issue is cut troops, or don’t send more. but the bitter truth is those at Fox will keep their jobs after all Republicans are booted out and made jobless. I just hope the Republican won’t be in opposition forever.


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