President Muhammadu Buhari has said that his signing of the Paris
Agreement on Climate Change has demonstrated Nigeria’s commitment to a
global effort to reverse the effects of the negative trend.
The President said this while addressing the opening of the meeting on
Taking Climate Action for Sustainable Development in New York, co-hosted
by Nigeria and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one of
the Side Events of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly
President Buhari, had shortly before this event, signed the Paris
Agreement, where he committed Nigeria to reducing “Green House Gas
Emissions unconditionally by 20 per cent and conditionally by 45 per cent”
in line with Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributions.” Describing
the signing as historic, he had also expressed confidence that with
support from development partners, Nigeria will meet the above targets.
The President also promised to ensure the ratification of the Paris
Agreement before the 22nd Conference of Parties to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change in Marrakesh, Morocco in November 2016.
He stressed that it was to demonstrate his personal dedication to the
process of implementing the Agreement that he was hosting the side event
on Taking Climate Action Towards Sustainable Development.
President Buhari, who said he was privileged to have been part of the
Paris Agreement, expressed appreciation to what he called “the genuine
efforts by President Francois Hollande of France in drawing global
attention to reviving the Lake Chad Basin,” and for galvanizing the
political will that led to the global consensus in reaching the Paris
The Nigerian President said his country’s commitment to the Paris
Agreement is articulated through its Nationally Determined Contributions
(NDCs) “that strive to build a climate resilient society across the
diverse terrain of Nigeria. We have instituted an Inter-Ministerial
Committee on Climate Change to govern implementation of my country’s NDCs,
thereby ensuring a strong cross-sectoral approach, coherence and synergy
for Climate Action.”
President Buhari, while admitting that implementing the Roadmap will not
be easy in the face of dwindling national revenues, however, indicated
that both internal and external resources would be mobilized to meet
Nigeria’s targets, adding that the 2017 Budget will reflect Nigeria’s
efforts to accord priority to realizing its NDCs.
“In addition, we are set to launch our first ever Green Bonds in the first
quarter of 2017 to fund a pipeline of projects all targeted at reducing
emissions towards a greener economy,” he said.
While urging global support to transit to a low-carbon climate resilient
economy, the President specifically reminded industrialized nations “to
play their role and deliver on their commitments on access to climate
finance and technology transfer and help with capacity-building,” adding
that, “Expectations are high for their leaders to deliver US$100 billion
per year by 2020 in support of developing countries to take climate
action, thus keeping the promise to billions of people.”
President Buhari, who thanked the Presidents of Chad, Cameroon, Democratic
Republic of Congo and Niger for attending the event, also called on the
international community to “give special recognition to the plight of Lake
Chad and support our effort to resuscitate the livelihoods of over 5
million people in the region. This will reinforce our efforts to
reintegrate the thousands of Boko Haram victims and returning Internally
Displaced Persons (IDPs).”
The President noted that the Niger Delta region is a unique biodiversity
rich in coastal environment that is highly prone to adverse environmental
changes occasioned by climate change, such as sea level rise, coastal
erosion, exacerbated by poverty and many decades of oil pollution leading
to loss of livelihoods and ecosystems.
He added however, that “through an integrated approach, implementation of
the NDCs, and our efforts to clean up Ogoniland, we will improve
livelihoods, protect the environment and take climate action, and ensure
the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”