Home Articles & Opinions The cause of leadership in Africa: NIGERIA IN PERSPECTIVE

The cause of leadership in Africa: NIGERIA IN PERSPECTIVE

by Our Reporter


Africa’s greatest obstacle to attaining the global status that befits
her has been the cause of leadership, a major drawback to a supposed
impeccable sustainable transformation

that the continent deserves.

A wise man simply puts this in real terms “Common sense dictates looking
both ways before crossing a street, or risk being hit by a truck”, For
the leadership in Africa, they have always looked one way, no wonder the
continent experiences so much setbacks at every turn.

How come a continent so rich in terms of natural resources, still fails
to provide her citizens basic social amenities?

As the world’s richest continent which has 50% of the world’s gold, most
of the world’s diamonds and chromium, 90% of the cobalt, 40% of the
world’s potential hydroelectric power, 65% of the

manganese, millions of acres of untilled farmland, as well as other
natural resources including (crude oil), it’s unacceptable for her to
remain home to the world’s most impoverished and abused people on planet
earth despite all this wealth.

A Japanese diplomat told me some time last year that he wishes Africans
can agree to swap continents where all the people in East Asia will come
over to Africa and Africans going the other way which looked odd to me.
However, before I could respond, he went further to say if that was to
be the case, Africans would not recognize the continent they left in 4

This strikes a chord, making it abundantly clear to me that Africa
leadership needs a paradigm shift on a massive scale, based on a shared
purpose with a global perspective.

“Leadership for the people and by the people in real terms,” meaning it
is time to end this self -centered leadership style driven by greed,
obsession, intimidation, oppression and power grab with massive
corruptions issues and ethnic under tones which has resulted to so much
blood shed because of inter-tribal wars and ethnic cleansing pitching
one community or tribe against another.

In relation to Nigeria, we have seen kinsmen, family members and
relatives of the then candidate who were begging for transportation fair
every now and then during the election campaign, become shareholders
overnight in major multi-nationals in the country since he became
President with no

qualifications, no business experience, a clear sign of corruption yet
he says he is fighting corruption.

Intimidating everyone, who dares to criticize them, and even destroying
the lives of peaceful agitators like my people of the south eastern
Nigeria who are legitimately asking for the right to go their own way
and be called Biafrans, because it is obvious that the Nigerian project
is not working for everyone which in my view we were forced into in the
first place by our colonial masters.

We were labelled terrorist with so many killed or constantly
intimidated, their means of livelihood

and businesses destroyed, while the ones they created to drive their
ethnic agenda boko haram and the Fulani herdsmen are been shielded,
committing serious killings and carrying out ethnic cleansing in the
process with no consequences for the perpetrators.

Currently, a lot of communities have been sacked by these people and
even renamed while the real owners are now displaced, and the security
apparatus infiltrated by these folks, that is why they are

hardly caught, instead the military had the greatest causality in this
fight. To quote one of the top general in the military “ANY BOKO HARAM
member who decides to give up their evil ways has the right to become
the Nigerian President of Nigeria one day.” Not to mention, the
hijacking of the judiciary which is supposed to be the defender of the

Furthermore, most recently using the resources from the south eastern
part of the country (our motherland) which is crude oil as equilateral
to get loans from China to develop the north at

the expense of the region, What betrayal to the oath of office of the

Besides so much insecurity across the country, the height that the
country has never experienced before with so many killed, thousands,
this past year , record numbers mostly those of the Christian faith by
herdsmen and Boko Haram terrorist.

However, instead of fixing the problem they created as a result of their
policies and deliberate actions, the leaders in Nigeria just like others
in the continent result to the quickest avenue to shift the narrative by
blaming it on others “so called foreign influence or interference” and
will be very confident to have the support from their new master China
who will be ready to veto any resolution in the security council that
will affect them aside other dimensions like, culture, climate and
bio-geographic factors as the explanation to the why? of Africa’s

Quoting Nkrumah, I can confidently state that the independence of one
country in the continent is meaningless unless the rest of Africa is
free from bad leadership, meaning we will be running around in circles,
because when one is up the rest of the bad bunch will pull them down.
Our rise as a

continent to being genuine influencers in the global scheme of things is
long overdue and Africa deserve better.

2020 must be the beginning of this new dawn, let’s build our continent
with selfless and visionary leadership. It is not too much to ask, for
the sake of our children, so the efforts of great African freedom and
independence fighters will forever live on, let’s not destroy all they
have sacrificed and lay down their lives for.

Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, Kenneth
Kaunda, Patrice Lumumba, Nnamdi Azikiwe, and many more, so much a
perfect fit to describe African leaders then, What about now? Where are
the Donald Trumps of Africa that will drive the Africa first agenda, and
a continental self- reliance government for the people and not for their
selfish interest?

Is time to make John Hayford comments and verdict on African leadership

. EJAH is the Founder and President, PEIO Global Initiatives; a Laurel
X-Heights International

Business and Trading Brand



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