Home Exclusive Chris Okotie’s Ex Wife, Stephanie, Speaks…Says My Husband, Church Betrayed Me

Chris Okotie’s Ex Wife, Stephanie, Speaks…Says My Husband, Church Betrayed Me

by Our Reporter

Few weeks ago, the General overseer of the Household of God’s church, Pastor Chris Okotie shocked his congregation when he announced at a sunday service he was separating from his second wife, Mrs Stephanie Henshaw-Okotie. It was his second in four years.

According to an eye witness who was at the church service, Okotie drew the attention of the church after the June brethrens birthday celebration (a monthly programme to celebrate those born in different months of the year) of the church service and made the pronouncement.

“Stephanie and I are no longer married. We have separated. You can see she’s not in church today. It’s due to irreconcilable differences and you should please respect our wishes at this time because there is no going back,” he was quoted to have said.

It would be recalled that the House Hold of God pastor got married to his second wife, Stephanie Henshaw, who is also a member of his ministry, in 2008 after he had separated from his first wife due to unresolved issues that were undisclosed.

A lot of controversy trailed his marriage to Stephanie, a widow and mother of three. Pastor Okotie had earlier divorced his first wife Tina, who is now living in the United States of America.

Pointblanknews.com learnt that Okotie decided to end it because of some allegations of withcraft by some members against his wife. According to Stephanie who had expressed her sorrow and dissapointments on her facebbok page, she was betrayed by Okotie and members of the church.

Below are some of the thoughts she expressed recently:

Gods faithful help and love is always present in times of trouble,when we face trials, the lord will quiet our hearts and give us confidence.

Today makes it three weeks i was asked for a seperation,and a week and four days i packed out.Romans 8:28 ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER,FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE GOD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE FOR THEM.im as shocked as most people, as there has not been an argument in my home in the over a year,we have been as happy as everybody thought we were.I wait, because i know in time GOD will make known what has gone wrong.

Lies, not from the world but the church,accusations not from the world, but the church,where are the spiritfilled christians,the ones who fear and hear the lord.my husband loves and adores me,he is not the one saying these things,the enemies from within,who hate me,they hate the grace GOD SHOWED ME.they hate the mecy GOD HAS HAD ON ME,so they come up wt all kinds of lies,my going can bring one mrs… okotie,what happens to the rest of u,u bring shame to the body of christ out of yr jealousy and selfish desire and in the process expose yr pastor,the work he has to do cost JESUS his life,dont joke wt it,our friendship is not based on marriage.u manipulate things at the expence of GODS WORK AND NAME.its not about me,it has never been,its about the will of GOD.

Submitted to the end,i did all i was asked to do,lord i left that home blameless before u,i have loved,but have not been loved,i have given and not received but that is contrary to yr word lord so today i ask yr word be made manifest in my life

twenty years i have known a man,fifteen years we have been the closest friends,i prepared all his meals for ten years including the four years we were married,the day i was asked to leave i prepared his meal,served it and i left,for the four years he never fell ill,but today i am called all sorts of names,witch,mermaid spirit.i have served JESUS with clean hands and a clean heart,i have loved all that have come my way,and if i dont live through this pain and hurt,as sure as jesus lives my children will see my vindication

Vindicate me lord,all things are open before u,righteous jugde,i remain still,speak on my behalf.

HE LORD is my refuge,my place of safety,he is my GOD and i trust him

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