If Nigeria was a real nation, and if the APC was not just another pretend-party, Nigerians would be treated with respect and appropriate officials hauled before the nation to explain the truth about what is truly going on with Buhari and the APC.
There would be robust rebuttals of Mr. Mukhtar Alex Dan’Iyan’s serious allegations and assertions that the APC is using photoshopped software and lies to hide the reality of Buhari’s whereabouts and health status. The truth is that the APC is taking her followers for granted, disrespecting millions of people who look up to her for real leadership.
Nigerians deserve better. In particular millions of beautiful Nigerian youths who hanker for, yearn for, and deserve a joyful present and future, who believe in the APC deserve to be treated with respect. They have stood by the APC through thick and thin. The APC should man up and tell the truth to these youths. Is @MrAyedee lying? Why did the APC need to resort to juvenile photoshop tricks, why?
Nothing will happen of course, nothing. The APC will wait it out because in the long run, Nigerians soon lose interest. Finally, in the absence of structures of accountability, intellectual dishonesty exaggerates and aggravates a nation’s dysfunction. Our intellectuals have failed our children. And I include myself in that army of failed intellectuals whose children and families are safely away from the scene of our crimes.
In case you missed it, here are @MrAyedee’s damning tweets? The APC should respond. It is the right thing to do.
Better yet, go on @MrAyeDee’s timeline on Twitter and see the pictures for yourself. The APC has ruined a time-tested Yoruba parable: Pictures don’t lie! Ha!
@MrAyeDee: 1/41 When it comes to Buhari’s health, seems things are much worse than previously thought. ?#?BuharisHealth? ?#?APCLies? ?#?NigeriaDecides?
@MrAyeDee: 2/41 After it was revealed on Friday that Buhari had snuck into the UK (enroute to the US) for #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 3/41 medical reasons, APC panicked. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/IyKK7dlk2y
@MrAyeDee: 4/41 So yesterday morning, APC unleashed a propaganda blitzkrieg, claiming that contrary to what #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 5/41 was stated about Buhari being in the Hospital, he was actually hale, hearty and engaged in #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 6/41 public activity. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/a43I1NzbyY
@MrAyeDee: 7/41 We were told about two ‘secret’ events he allegedly attended, but he was missing from the one #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 8/41 public event he was scheduled to attend, http://t.co/Id0iPgEBM7 and #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/DM6yaT4b6H
@MrAyeDee: 9/41 represented by his wife and youngest daughter. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 10/41 With notable APC stalwarts and propaganda channels leading the charge, we were deceived #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 11/41 into thinking Buhari met with Tony Blair yesterday (http://t.co/PsnBcwpIiz) , he hadn’t. We #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 12/41 had naively given them the benefit of doubt http://t.co/1R7loIrGDU. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/uLo18WNInG
@MrAyeDee: 13/41 We were also fed the line that Buhari had granted an interview to a #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 14/41 Local TV Show, ‘All Eyes on Africa’ #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/j059SMvOMK
@MrAyeDee: 15/41 Problem is, just like we were lied to about the Blair meeting, we were lied to about the TV #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 16/41 Show as well. Here’s why: #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 17/41 He was allegedly interviewed by , Kemi Fadojutimi, for ‘All Eyes on Africa TV Show.’ #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 18/41 Firstly, Kemi & her show are based in Maryland USA, not London, UK. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/ix0JaEJs2R
@MrAyeDee: 19/41 Secondly, Kemi is involved with APC politics, even going as far as presenting ‘awards’ #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 20/41 to APC stalwarts like Rauf Aregbesola, so not a secret where her #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/Hh7xJUJHxI
@MrAyeDee: 21/41 sympathies lie. She’s biased, a political operative, not a neutral journalist. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 22/41 Thirdly, the interview took place at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja during Kemi’s Nigeria visit. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 23/41 Here is a picture of the ‘King Ambassador Suite’ taken from the Hilton website and a picture #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 24/41 of the room where Buhari was interviewed http://t.co/DIOA9q2fLb. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/Zab5fOMBR5
@MrAyeDee: 25/41 A casual observation indicates that contrary to APC’s claims that Buhari was interviewed in #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 26/41 London, he was actually interviewed in a ‘King Ambassador Suite’ at the Transcop Hilton, Abuja #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 27/41 One merely needs to look at: #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 28/41 The ridges of the coffee table, #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/jbAx8IJZVC
@MrAyeDee: 29/41 The design of the couch, #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/lirwJTBoK4
@MrAyeDee: 30/41 The side tables by the couch, #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/gzUOIlYyuK
@MrAyeDee: 31/41 The two picture frames positioned over the couch #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/ohyInZH9Ar
@MrAyeDee: 32/41 The design of the carpet, #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/A8LujcHdC0
@MrAyeDee: 33/41 and for the Coup de grâce, the bottle of Aquafina. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/6hb4rM8PoG
@MrAyeDee: 34/41 Here are both pics with these similarities pointed out. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides http://t.co/9i940uCMi6
@MrAyeDee: 35/41 Of course Buhari acolytes will claim the interview was conducted in London, sometime in the #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 36/41 last 48 hours, forgetting that though many Nigerians were born at night, none who shall be #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 37/41 voting were born last night. Just as well, since at this point, most Nigerians know APC as a #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 38/41 party and those who defend it specialize in blatant lies. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 39/41 At this point in time, let me reiterate, we all wish Buhari a speedy recovery, however, since #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 40/41 he is running for President, we deserve to know the truth about his medical condition. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
@MrAyeDee: 41/41 Thank you for reading. God Bless You and God Bless Nigeria. #BuharisHealth #APCLies #NigeriaDecides
Ikhide R. Ikheloa is a blogger, social and literary critic who writes non-stop on various online media. He has been published severally in books, journals and online magazines. He was a columnist with Next Newspapers and the Daily Times of Nigeria. With permission from the Author, article culled from his Facebook .