doctor in a prison and a GP’s surgery after stealing the identity of a
fully-qualified doctor who had the same first name.
Oluwadamilola Opemuyi treated no fewer than 91 patients before being
ousted as a fraudster.
The 39-year-old tricked employment agencies into believing she was
Oluwadamilola Adeyo – a General Medical Council (GMC) registered GP – by
providing false documents stating she was fully qualified, before
supplying Mrs Adeyo’s registration number.
She also used a fake driving licence, marriage certificate and passport as
she found work treating patients in five separate locations.
Applying for a position at a surgery in Southend, she told the practice
manager that both of her parents were doctors. When asked where she saw
herself in five years time, she replied by saying she may retrain as a
brain surgeon. She was not offered a job.
In January, Middlesex based agency Meddoc Locums were duped by her bogus
documents, taking her word that she was a doctor and hiring her for jobs
around Britain.
She was given a position working at Elmley Prison in Kent, where she’d
negotiated a fee of £500-a-day. She’d previously asked elsewhere for
Working across both HMP Elmley and HMP Swaleside – where GP services are
provided by Minster Medical Group – Opemuyi treated dozens of inmates,
despite having no clue about the medical profession.
Before time, however, both prisons received complaints about her work.
When she bypassed prison protocols by increasing an inmate’s opiate-based
drug, her contract was terminated.