My attention has been drawn to a report in your news portal wherein the said writer reports of an imaginary altercation between my convoy and military men at the Nsulu Games Village military check point.
The story with the title “Soldiers Turn Back Abaribe Convoy Over Alleged Indiscipline” was said to have occurred last week Thursday.
Well, for the avoidance of doubt, I was never and had never been involved in any such incident. It never happened, infact I was in my residence at Ohuru Village all-through that day, so I wonder where the reporter got his story from. In any case I do not go in a convoy.
“I do not have a 5-car convoy.
“Nothing happened at Nsulu Games Village the three times I passed it last week. I did not pass through there on Thursday. Maybe the reporter did not know that.
“If necessary, I will get the commandant there who will muster all soldiers on duty within last week to prove it.
The story is totally untrue, apparently fabricated by the author to elicit a warped conversation.
Pointblanknews is a respected news portal and it will be a sad commentary if the editors will allow mischief makers to use the platform to plant outright falsehood, which will not do the organisation any good.
“Soldiers did not turn back my convoy, I have none”.

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