Home News *The Front BurnerWith Prince Okhifo*

*The Front BurnerWith Prince Okhifo*

*Joe Ajaero vs The Police: Much Ado About Nothing*

by Our Reporter

Every Nigerian and even none Nigerians in and outside Nigeria have long come to appreciate that their country is one huge hub of endless drama and high grammar. Everyday dawns with a fresh controversy and those who should explain or make to pay for such needless isms,  bamboozle us with grammar.

These controversies are torrential in nature. The rain of them keep us all busy and never actually see to good closure to so many. The spaces are littered with open headed drama.

The most recent is the invitation from the police to Comrade Joe Ajaero,  the National President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) . Ajaero is accused of sponsoring terrorism and other offenses. The invitation came a few days after the dingdung of police invading the Headquarters of NLC. Admittance came after so much denial by both the police and the Department  of State Services (DSS).

The NLC is umbraged by both the invitation and the charges. They see them as an attempt to keep the vociferous labour impresario out of circulation and to ultimately box labour to limbo. There’s already a rain of threats from the organise labour that the union and it’s affiliates will down tools indefinitely if their numero uno is detained.

Sympathies are not in short supply from many Nigerians outside of the labour cycle. Recall that only a year or two ago, same Ajaero was beaten black and blue in Owerri where he had gone to join the state’s branch on a rally against the Gov. Hope Uzondima whom they accused of not up to date with the payment of salaries and pensions.

Ajaero was beaten like a common thief. NLC is saying that up till now, nobody is on trial over such show of barbarism. The victim and his union fingered the state government and the police. There was  virulent denials from both sides. NLC is worried over government’s nonchalance in bringing the culprits to book.

They say they won’t take it again! They say that Nigeria will be grounded if Ajaero is detained by the police. There is already a letter from the Congress to the police to explain why the invitee couldn’t honor the invitation on the scheduled date and when he will be available.

Some Nigerians, including yours sincerely are alarm over the hoopla that the invitation has triggered. It is not out of place for the police to raid any office or home or anywhere provided due process of law is followed. Same as inviting anybody for questioning.

If police accuses Mr. Ajaero of sponsoring terrorism, won’t there be a credible evidence to defend their case? The last time I checked, ours is still a democracy. Suspects or  accused citizens or foreigners are not jailed or sent to the hangman without proper, open trial in properly constituted courts of law.

Ajaero should honor the invitation of the police with his lawyers. Questions will be asked and answers will be given. The accusers will defend their claims and how they came about while Ajaero and his lawyers will ask questions and put their in-station defenses very well. If both parties hit an equilibrium, they will decide to proceed or retreat. It is as simple as that.

There’s no need for these tensions. It is very improper for NLC to always threaten Nigerians with strike at the drop of a hat. Are we saying that the NLC President cannot be put on trial if there are prima facie evidences to so do? Is anyone above the law? If we truly want a society that works, then we must all be on the same page to make it work.

*Prince Oscar Okhifo writes from Abuja*

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