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Nigerians, not Nigeria Must be Saved by Hakeem Babalola


The all-knowing emperor and his comrades may be deeply in love with Nigeria as they often piously claim. But there's one truth they have stubbornly and deceitfully refused to accept: Nigerians, not Nigeria that must be saved. They definitely understand how Nigeria's business works: keep preaching One Nigeria, though they know this may never be achieved even by a president with the best intention. I am tired of such rhetoric like don’t set Nigeria ablaze. Ironically, Nigeria is being destroyed daily by a band of adventurers who want to keep it together by coercion.

Your hopeless optimism may however, be superior to my realistic pessimism. And is that not what you want to hear? Obasanjo and co know within themselves that whoever promise to solving Nigeria's problem is only talking nonsense, hence it is better to out-do other groups in whatever capacity - in order to remain the ruling cartel. Nigeria was created to fail. It is sheer wishful thinking hoping Nigeria would become - under unitary system, and egomaniac misrulers who think they are above the law. I don’t even think creating more states is a way of teaching One Nigeria slogan. It is self-seeking.

Common culture and language are also critical factors that can make or mar the building of a nation. Nigeria is lacking these two important factors which of course, is no one's fault. But did someone or a group of people deliberately kill WASOBIA? Obasanjo and co know this fact, but admitting it would spoil their business. They love Nigeria so much, and they must keep it together in order to further enslave Nigerians. If Nigeria breaks up, this cabal of conspirators believe death will become them, therefore a do-and-die affair. But then, there are other forces against Nigerian nation.

Apart from the fact that Nigeria was historically built on deceit, there are many powerful but shockingly brutal or cruel Nigerians that would bilk every attempt to make Nigeria become. And this is where attention should be focused instead of One Nigeria slogan. These people are ex-heads of state, patriots who place expediency above principle, coup plotters, kings and queens benefitting from a corrupt society. They are the ones secretly fueling anarchy and collapse of the country by their actions, yet shouting the unity of Nigeria in public.

Unquenchable rebellion always starts as a result of injustice, deceit, and subversion of people's rights to freely choose their leaders. This 2007 charade "do-or die" elections like the ones before, is the typical example of the forces I am talking about. I am of the opinion that whatever ugly incidents that occurred during the elections were not accidental poisioning. It was masterfully planned, otherwise mere thugs would not be bold enough to steal people's mandate so brazenly. But then, election rigging is only part of a larger trouble facing Nigeria. Don't they know it?

Diversity and size. It may be a strength or weakness in the advancement of a nation, depending largely on the policy makers. In Nigeria’s case, diversity and size have become a weakness for its development. This is because the policy makers themselves appear not to believe in the diversity. It is also an open secret that Nigerian tribes do not and may never trust one another. Though I have said it many times, I am repeating it. If you ask an Hausa man, or a Yoruba woman, or Igbo brother, or Ijaw sister; in fact virtually all Nigerians would likely affairm they would be better off under any republic other than Nigeria.

Maurice Iwu, INEC chairman for example, in his defense of logistics failure regarding the elections on CNN attribute the problem to the size of the country. "But a country this large [some words unclear] with the infrastructure we have, the execution has been...they have had hitches here and there...". Nigeria is definitely too big for the present crops of leaders to manage, and since they are not likely to leave soon, Nigerians should be allowed to vote yes or no in a referendum to live together or not. But then I don’t believe in anything that involves Nigerian government.

Those who support and genuingly believe that Nigeria shall become are fond of citing American example. They would beat their chest, saying it took America 200 years to reach its current development whereas Nigeria is only in its late forties. This is not only wrong analogy but obsolete words. Wrong comparison in the sense that, whilst Americans have documented or unquestionable love for their country, Nigerians engross wholly in hatred, have undocumented or questionable love for their country.

And I say obsolete words because, for the fact that it took Americans 200 years to put their act together does not mean Nigerians must wait even 50 years before applying necessary medicine to cure their illness. It is an assault on our soul for anyone to think we must blindly follow whatever is America or British. By the way, Americans speak one language and have a valuable cultural affiliation, which is lacking in Nigeria's case. The significant of language and culture is synonymous to amalgamation.

Moreover, in this era of technology; in this era when athletes are breaking world record anyhow, it would be insane for people to slow down the progress of their country under the illusion that, even it took the "world superpower" that much. That is a plaintive whining, if you ask me. Even parents would like their children to be more successful than they are. Life is changing. If women can now play football or soccer; if a seven-year-old boy can pass chemistry O'Level, then I see no reason why Nigerians must engage in self-deceit, thinking "he go better" instead of "he don better".

I am particularly concern about the nigerian media crusade. I have been observing all along, and I am disappointed that many Nigerian prolific writers/journalists have been falling for Nigerian politicians' loud and confused and empty talk. I have yet to read prolific writers calling for the dissolution of Nigeria even though they exhibit warrant incredulity. Are they afraid of being charged for treason? If Obasanjo, Buhari, Babangida and other junta are not being charged for treason, then no one should.

As an exemplary of this conduct, The Guardian in its editorial caption, says "Again, to save Nigeria". Reacting to the blatant subversion of Nigerians rights to freely choose their leaders, the paper "calls for radical solutions, although the options available to save the country from impending danger are now very few indeed".

If the paper is echoing the cries of Nigerians that "the conduct of the present administration has placed Nigeria at the crossroads and only a radical solution can move the country back form the precipice", why is the paper fails to tell us what such radical solution should be? I had expected the paper - upon all its fancy criticism - to move further. I had expected the paper to hit more nails on the head by stating categorically that, rescuing the country from collapse is like pounding yam with a needle. Perhaps the paper needs to twist words in order to escape being muzzled like AIT and Raypower.

It is apparent that Nigerians do not want to live together, an essential factor in building a great nation. Even with fairness and justice, Nigeria may not become, because it seems this was the intention of those who created Nigeria, and I strongly believe Nigerians themselves are not ready to help matter. Meanwhile, it is further self-deceit for anyone to imprecate God by alluding the creation of Nigeria to Her. It was one Lord Lugard who created Niger areas.

So where is Dim Ojukwu? I know he is not as sleek and agile as he was. Age is not on his side, but then so is Obasanjo and company. This is the perfect moment to rejuvenate that long ambition, and I believe he’s going to get it right this time around, for we are now seeing what he saw long time ago. No one except Obasanjo has the audacity to slap Nigerians on the face - thrice.

Where are those who passionately but secretly believe that Lord Lugard made a terrible mistake to have solemnized unwilling couple? They should speak up instead of embracing a lost battle – One Nigeria. Or what do you think Obasanjo was saying in his broadcast to the nation that, "We should try and hold this country together. We have seen a civil war. We should do everything to avoid war"? I would definitely do the opposite of whatever Obasanjo implies.

By the time Nigeria breaks up, the new Republics will have learnt some valuable lessons from Nigeria’s experience. The citizen should, in the name of whatever God they worship, focus on how to create another nations within the existing "geographical expression". Because it would be like waiting for Godot if the citizens think or believe a drastic change would occur in fifty years time. Obasanjo and his co-owners would still be around, hence the same old story. Don’t you trust me?


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