I wonder how our representatives at the various houses of assembly both at the federal and at the state level feel each time they wake up each morning to find themselves adorned in Gold and other costly clothing and looking at the mirror they smile and depart for their offices in deceit of going to perform the various functions for which they were elected and appointed for at the neglect of the suffering masses.
This is pure deception, hypocrisy, misrepresentation and representation. Tell me how Nigerians are meant to perform their statutory and constitutional duties for the growth of the federation when all they get in return for their little acts of loyalty are peanuts as salaries for a job which they spent their energy and devotion doing, when all they get are sexual demands and harassment to fill positions in which should naturally and by virtue of their qualifications grant them access to such positions but NO what is obtainable in the ministries, departments and agencies of government are dynastic and spoil system were offices are reserved even for a child yet unborn were juicy positions and contracts are awarded based on patronage and loyalty to ones course and not based on qualification.
Its pertinent that the presidency note ipso facto and prime facie that Nigerians are suffering, the people at the grass root are dying out of hunger because of poverty, injustice on a radiant and steady rise. The mothers of this great nation Nigeria are dying an untimely death because they bear children feed this children they bore out of motherly affection and duty and die afterwards because they have none to replenish what they have given out and in most situations they die during child birth due to poor state of medical facilities at the various hospitals.
Does it not bother our representatives to that the same siren which they use to scare people off the road into the bushes and mostly to their untimely death is the same siren used in carrying corpses of dead to their places of burial!!!. Corruption has thrived enough and it’s time to relegate it to the lowest ebbs of the society and for this to happen we must all in Unity say no to corruption. For it’s only in Nigeria that if Corruption were to be sowed as a seed, oh! Be joyful for you shall harvest the next day and for how long must we keep re-emphasizing this single, simple but mighty concept and principle of corruption, are our laws not strong enough to give it the desired fight, even if there are laws to guard against corruption are there near saint judges and justices to join in the fight against corruption…..
There is need to learn from the mistakes of the past for such mistakes not to be the foundation of the future. Now looking back at the statutory and constitutional duty of the State, it is to provide for the welfare and security of her citizens and yet I wonder every day we keep on hearing of the Television and other forms of mass media that millions, billions and trillions of naira and most times dollars have been allocated for the purchase of military hardware for the armed forces to curb the menace of the dreaded Boko-Haram sect and for the Nigerian police force to fight all forms of social vices yet people are still dying most especially in the North-East partially by the activities of Boko-Haram and most significantly by malnutrition, poverty and injustice but yet the government is performing its duties of securing, Chai Securing what if I may ask, is it the properties of the dead or securing their tenure in office or their various investments, their selfish desire and motives still unfolding. At the internally displaced peoples camp we have children dying out of hunger and lack of necessary medical attentions and yet we have a selected group of people we call the government of the Federal republic of Nigeria.
It is with all this culminating ills fast gaining roots in the Nigerian society that the theme of this simple piece got its origin “The only Mirror a leader has is its people” and with a little appendage, should be its people. A good leader should by tours and visits know what must be done and not what ought to be done. The Mirror on his wall is only a reflection of what the leader desires of the mirror to reflect of him. It does not know when such a person is sick, cannot tell if the persons standing before it has a good breath or not, it basically operates on the principles of GIGO , it’s what you present to it, it shows you so therefore you cannot wear red and in front of mirror you see blue No! That’s witch craft. The analogy of the Mirror becomes appreciated when the leader makes his people, his citizens his mirror for they are his eyes and ears were he can’t see and probably can’t hear what goes on in the public sphere; they show to the leader both the ugliness behind his beauty and the beauty behind his ugly but right decisions. This single simple but significant function the people perform by playing the role of the leader’s mirror which the mirror on his wall can’t perform.
The country is not in good shape and if our leaders/representatives are deceived by their fascinating wealth and beauty on their mirror and the masses are wallowing away in penury and poverty then there is need for a medical trip to India.
Ekwebelem Chika Paschal