by Our Reporter

By: Femi Fani-Kayode

I have little doubt that Ibe Kachikwu, the Minister of State for Petroleum
Resources and Energy, regrets the day that he left the relative comfort of
the private sector and entered the stormy waters of Nigerian politics.

I am sure that he curses the day that he met President Muhammadu Buhari,
that he opted to join the APC and that he accepted the long-awaited and
much sought after invitation to be a member of his troubled cabinet and
fast-sinking government.

As the saying goes, “not all that glitters is gold” and as the fiery and
courageous black American civil rights leader and cleric, Malcom X, once
said, “in the final analysis, whether he be a house nigger or a field
nigger, a nigger remains a nigger and one day ‘masser’ still gonna give
him a damn good whoppin!”

Today Kachikwu has finally come to understand and hopefully accept the
fact that no matter how much he tried to be a loyal and true member of
Buhari’s kitchen cabinet and inner circle and no matter how much he
considered himself to be a key and indispensible member of the tyrant’s
feared and dreaded cabal, he remains nothing but the proverbial “house
nigger” who is at best tolerated by his “masser” and owner and who is
being played and upstaged by a very small boy and a relatively junior
member of the Hausa Fulani ruling elite by the name of Maikanti Baru that
has been mandated to run the affairs of the Nigerian National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC).

The golden rule is as follows: all slaves and house niggers must know
their place and they must never venture to cross the line or to join
issues or cultivate the nerve and temerity to challenge the authority of
ANY of the “masser’s” sons, including the most trucluent, impudent,
obnoxious, objectionable and stubborn ones.

The “masser’s” son may know next to nothing and he may be rotten and vile
in all his ways yet his bloodline and race still sets him apart: he was
“born to rule” and remains the head whilst house niggers like Kachikwu and
the rest of us were “born to serve” and remain the tail.

And that is the story of Nigeria. That is why a fine and upstanding
Governor like Willie Obiano of Anambra state will sit before President
Muhammadu Buhari, remove his beautiful fedora hat and place it on his lap
like a pliant puppy and obedient little schoolboy and pay homage and
obesience to the maximum dictator.

He knows his place. He knows how to behave in front of “masser”, he knows
never to look him in the eye and he knows that “masser” is to be feared,
reverred, worshipped and loved by every good house nigger and slave as if
he were God.

It is in this context that one must ask why Kachikwu should be in the
least bit surprised that he has not been granted access to President
Buhari and that the northern Managing Director of the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation  has completely usurped his functions and undermined
his authority?

Did he really expect things to be any different in a Buhari
administration? Has he forgotten that he is Igbo? Has he forgotten that
his people are part of those that the President once disdainfully referred
to as the “5 per cent”?

When I said that Buhari hated the Igbo some time back many were shocked,
many disputed my assertion, many were in disbelief and many were in denial
even when the evidence to prove and substantiate my assertion was
incontrivertible and compelling.

Today a good number of hitherto and erstwhile doubting Thomas’, cynics and
skeptics have seen the light, finally agreed with me and voiced their
observations and concerns loudly and publicly.

The President himself affirmed our grave allegations and confirmed our
worst fears during the course of his reprehensible, uninspiring and
downright shameful Independence Day speech in which he insulted the Igbo
elders and leaders and basicallly told them to go and control their
children and wards.

This is bad enough but permit me to share something with you today that is
even more disconcerting and troubling: the truth is that deep down Buhari
has nothing but contempt for southerners, Middle Belters and Christians.

As painful as it is for some to hear and as difficult as it is for others
to accept, there it is. That is the BITTER TRUTH!

Sadly Ibe Kachikwu jumped in the sack with the wrong set of people. He got
into bed with a brood of vipers and a horde of vampires who secretly hate
and despise his own.

He chose to wine and dine with an insatiable and rappacious set of
self-seeking, self-serving, flesh-eating, blood-drinking, spirit-crushing,
destiny-destroying and soul-wounding demons and devils and now the
chickens have come home to roost.

He chose to overlook the fact that to Buhari and his tiny cabal of ethnic
and religious supremacists ALL southerners and Middle Belters are second
class citizens and dispensable slaves.

And neither will his mouthwatering and earth-shaking revelations about the
monuemental fraud, graft and corruption that is going on under his watch
at the Petroleum Resources Ministry in any way help or protect him.

As a matter of fact his singing and spiling the beans will rather make
things worse for him because sooner or later those he has courageously
chosen to expose will hit back with all the force and fury of a wounded
lion and with the venom and spite of a cuckolded husband and a cheated

From what I have seen and heard the truth is that the EFCC are already in
the process of a detailed investigation and are closing in on him.

These people are blackmailers and gangsters.
To them siphoning 24 billion USD from the coffers of the Northern (sorry I
meant “Nigerian”) National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) by awarding
questionable and fake contracts outside of due process means absolutely
nothing. As a matter of fact that is what is expected of their cronies and

Where else will they get the money for Buhari’s 2019 presidential campaign

My friend and brother Reno Omokri captured the situation rather well when
he wrote the following:

“the first time Muhammadu Buhari was Petroleum Minister in the 1970s, Fela
sang ‘2.8 billion Naira missing’. Now he is Petroleum Minister again and
Kachikwu is singing $26 billion missing! Why is it that huge billions tend
to go missing or spent without due process whenever Buhari is Minister of
Petroleum? However, Kachikwu was naive for writing that letter to Buhari!
He does not know that Baru was brought in to do exactly what he is doing!”

Omokri is absolutely right. What a messy and stinking cesspool and pit of
poisonous snakes Ibe Kachikwu has found himself in.

And quite apart from all that it must be a living nightmare and pure hell
for an intelligent, well-educated, enlightened, cosmopolitan,
Harvard-trained former Shell executive and Federal Minister to have his
powers curtailed and usurped and to be treated with contempt and disdain
by the Chief Executive Officer of a corporation that is under his own

This is made even worse by the fact that that Chief Executive Officer
probably, if at all, went to some fourth-rate rodent-infested “school” or
“university” near the borders of Chad or Niger Republic or some other
dubious institution of “higher learning” not too far from the dusty, dry
and barren sand slopes of the Sahara desert.

Poor Ibe Kachikwu! I guess that he has to live with the consequences of
the choices that he has made. His situation reminds me of the verse in the
Holy scriptures that says it is “a great evil under the sun when the sons
of slaves ride around on horseback whilst the sons of the King are walk
around on bare feet”.

This goes against the natura order of things and something ought to be
done about it. My first prayer for him is that he does a thorough
spiritual search and attempts to discover who and what his principal,
President Muhammadu Buhari, really is and what he seeks to achieve in our

My second prayer is that he finds the decency and courage to resign from
the government that he serves before it is too late, before they turn on
him and before he is thoroughly discredited and rubbished out of office by
his traducers and powerful adversaries.

And finally my third prayer is that he restores his confidence, his
self-respect and his dignity, that he stops walking around barefoot, that
he finds and puts on his royal shoes and that he mounts and rides his

Gone are the days that he should be running behind the carriages and
horses of slaves and working for those that do not have ten percent of his
wisdom and knowledge. He is far better than that.

Yet whatever he chooses to say or do one thing is clear: in Nigeria the
keepers of wealth are not the keepers of compassion.

They are cruel and relentless and their greed and wickedness knows no
bounds. They hate more than any other yet they accuse others of hate

They steal more than any other yet they accuse others ofstealing and
corruption. They kill more than any other yet they accuse others of

They engender and enthrone modern-day apartheid, fascism and slavery more
than any other yet they accuse others of espousing and enunciating their
very own deep-seated and insidious intolerance and racism and their
unbridled and perfdious religious bigotry.

They are a government of double standards, lies and deceit. A government
that uses its army to commit mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing
against its own people.

A government that protects, encourages and supports the barbaric
activities of evi and deadly Janjaweed ethnic militias that slaughter and
dispossess innocent souls, including defenceless women and children, in
the name of herding cattle.

A government that cannot stomach strong opposition or critical and
consistent criticism. A government that is so terrified of its own shadow
and that is so averse to righteousness, wholesomeness, equity and truth
that it is ready to wipe out a whole race of people simply to deny them
their right of self-determination and silence their voices.

They are a government of the corrupt, for the corrupt and by the corrupt:
a government whose sole purpose and not so hidden agenda is to
re-establish the hegemony of the core Muslim north and turn the Nigerian
people and state into a colony of servile vassals, gutless quislings,
broken serfs and hopeless slaves.

Yet they shall fail because, like the brilliant, beautiful, dazziling and
passionate American Amazon, Dana Loesch, recently said, “we will shatter
their violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth”.

They shall fail because history testifies to the fact that no matter how
unyielding, brutal, savage, relentless, deceitful, mendacious and
bloodthirsty they may be,  the agents of satan and the forces of darkness
have NEVER been able to conquer, defeat or overwhelm the children of God
and the spirit of the people.

It shall be no different in our shores. It is only a matter of time.

The notion of a united Nigeria after the 2017 genocide against the Igbo
and state-sponsored terrorism coupled with the wholesale rejection of the
idea of restructuring by the core north is absurd and far-fetched.

There cannot be peace where there is no justice. There cannot be
tranquility and harmony where there is inequality. There cannot be love
and peaceful co-existence where there is hate, condescension and fascistic
philosophies. There cannot be camaraderie and fellowship where the tyrant
unleashes the full force of his tyranny against the people.

The fact of the matter is that if he continues to send his army to kill
innocent civilians, if he refuses to bring to justice the military
personnel that slaughtered the Shiite Muslims two years ago and that have
been murdering young Igbos and IPOB members since he came to power and if
he continues to condone the mass murder of northern Christians and Middle
Belters by his Fulani kinsmen and herdsmen the resistance and opposition
to his administration will continue to be relentless and the agitation for
restructuring and the quest to exercise the right of self-deternination by
the various ethnic groups in our country will continue to increase and
become far more aggressive and pronounced.

Many may suffer. Many may be killed. Many may be detained and
incarcerated. Many may be wrongly accused, villified and in bondage. Many
may be dispossesed, humiliated and scattered.

Many may be tortured, brutalised, maimed and scarred and many may suffer
all shades and manners of indignity, shame, poverty, lack, deprivation and

Yet despite all these deep, harrowing and seemingly endless travails, one
thing is sure: our liberation shall eventually come because no matter how
dark the night, joy comes in the morning. The Bible says “many are the
afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him of them all”.

In the end God’s glorious light shall bring the tyrant to his knees,
dispel the darkness and break the chains of servitude, subjugation and

In the end deliverance, freedom, joy, peace, justice, abundance,
vindication and the victorious lamp of liberty shall rise from Zion as the
freedom bell rings and our nation is healed and restored.

In the end the Lord’s will shall be done, His counsel shall stand, His
pupose shall be established, His name shall be glorified and we shall

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