by Our Reporter
By: Femi Fani-Kayode
35,000 innocent and defenceless Palestinians, including 15000 children, have been targetted and killed in Gaza by Israel over the last 6 months yet it was only after 7 western aid workers of the World Central Kitchen were tragically and callously targetted and murdered in cold blood by the Israeli Defence Force last week that western Governments and the Western media are beginning to recognise the fact that the Jewish state has turned into a monstrous and uncontrollable beast.

This begs the following questions.

Does blood not flow through the veins of Arabs and Muslims in the same way that it flows through the veins of westerners and Christians?

Is the blood of westerners redder  than the blood of Arabs?

Do Palestinian lives not matter?

Are American, British, Australian and French lives more precious than the lives of Palestinian men, women and children?

How can one explain or wish away this glaring display of emotional selectivity, hypocrisy and double standards?

Is it not racism in its most glaring and ugly form?

Is this not a case of psychological apartheid in motion and have the leaders of the West not developed a classic sociopathic and psychopathic disposition when it comes to the suffering of the Palestinians.

Even after 75 years of barbarous servitude and occupation followed by the mass murder and genocide that we are witnessing in Gaza today few notable western leaders give a damn and most of them have not only turned a blind eye to it but are also willing partners and complicit in the most graphic and barbaric expression of man’s inhumanity to man and sheer wickedness since the Nazi holocaust of World War 11.

Given this all-embracing endorsement and unconditional support that they enjoy is it any wonder that the Zionists believe that they have the divine right to give life and take it at will and at their pleasure?

Is it any wonder that the Jewish state believes that it can get away with mass murder and ethnic cleansing?

Is it any wonder that the Zionists believe that they are divine beings with a divine purpose, the master race, God’s chosen people?

Is it any wonder that they believe that they are totally and completely above the law and untouchable given the unconditional support and tacit approval that they enjoy from NATO and the powers that be in the west?

Over the last six months western leaders have applauded Israel for slaughtering the Palestinians and destroying all their infrastructures yet they only started questioning their devilish collusion with what can only be decribed as unadulterated evil when seven of their own citizens who were doing charity work and helping to feed the starved and beleaguered children of Gaza were also butchered in a hail of precision rockets that brutally cut them down one after the other.

These same people did not shed a tear or say a word when Israeli jets mowed down hundreds of Palestinian civilians as they tried to grab food from aid trucks that came in from Egypt.

To them that did not matter and neither did they view it as an atrocity or describe it as a war crime or a crime against humanity because those that were murdered were “mainly Muslims and only Arabs”.

Is this fair? Can it be justified or defended?

Is it not a perfidious display of double speak, double standards and devilry?

Is it not a gratuitous insult to our collective humanity and a monumental shame?

Are Arabs, Africans, Asians and the people of the “global South” not human beings too?

Again for the last few months western leaders stuck to their oars and stubbornly refused to acknowledge the fact that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a wild and rabid dog that cannot be controlled and that no longer listens to its master.

They refused to accept the fact that he had become the proverbial falcon that was no longer prepared to listen to the falconer.

They refused to recognise the fact that the genocide in Gaza was not about religion but rather about the implementation of an insidious, sinister, religious and racist agenda and an unconciable attempt by a horrendous and deluded horde of callous, bitter and vengeful Zionist barbarians to decimate, displace and exterminate the Palestinian people and steal their land.

So drunk are Netanyahu and those around him on the blood of Palestinian children that not even American President Joe Biden, their biggest and greatest friend and ally, can control them.

Will the Zionists ever accept the fact that killing women, children, refugees, journalists, clerics, doctors, nurses, hospital workers, United Nations staff, the elderly, the disabled, the mentally challenged, the weak and other innocent and defenceless civilians in the name of world Jewry and the Israeli state is not only unacceptable but also an abomination and an affront to our collective humanity.

They say when a dog loses its mind and not only refuses to listen to its master but also turns on him and attempts to bite him one is constrained to put a bullet in its head and put it out of its misery.

Perhaps the same solution should be applied to the Zionist state.

Perhaps it is time for it to be put down like a sick, dangerous and rabid old dog and removed from the face of the earth.

I have said it before and I will say it again: in light of the events of the last six months Israel has lost her right to exist.

And if calling out Israel for the atrocities they are committing in Gaza & insisting on an immediate & unconditional ceasefire makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

As a matter of fact it is a badge and label that I would wear proudly.

I do not believe that it is acceptable for the Jewish state to consistently break international humanitarian law and commit war crimes. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that aid workers and journalists should be targetted and killed. If that makes me anti-Semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that it is right for Bibi Netanyahu to smirk and grin on national television as he tells the world how the 7 western aid workers were targetted and murdered in Gaza by his army. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that it is right and proper for the Iranian Embassy in Damascus should be targetted and bombed by the Israeli Defence Force or that senior Iranian military commanders that were staying there should be murdered in cold blood. If that makes me anti-Semitic then so be it.

I do not think it is acceptable for Israel to bomb the city of Allepo in Syria and kill 42 people including defenceless civilians. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that the Jews have a licence from God to kill innocent & defenceless civilians. If that makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that it is right for the western nations to continue to supply arms to Israel and to be complicit in and an enabler of genocide. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that the Jews are the master race that have been specially chosen above others by God. If that makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that Christians and Muslims will burn in hell or that the Prophet of Islam & our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ were fake. If that makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that saying “Christ is King” is a crime. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was a liar and charlatan who is now boiling in human excrement in hell. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that demolishing the Al Aqsa Mosque, sacrificing three red heifers where it presently stands & building the third Jewish Temple on exactly the same spot is just, right & proper. If that makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that the Jews and the State of Israel should exert so much influence over the affairs of the United States of America, the western democracies, International politics, world banking & finance & the Western media. If that makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that an attack on Israel, no matter how horrific, gives the Jewish state the right to wipe out, exterminate or drive into the desert or the sea the entire Palestinian race or kill every single man, woman and child in Gaza. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that Zionism is of God & I consider the Zionists to be far worse & more insidious, cruel & unrelenting than Hitler’s Nazis. If that makes me anti-semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that Candace Owens should have been fired from the Daily Wire for criticising Israel & I do not believe that Ben Shapiro & Rabi Shmuly are human beings. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that Bibi Netanyahu is sane & I do not believe that he is acting in the best interest of the Jews or the State of Israel. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that South Africa & Ireland have done anything wrong by taking Israel to the Intermational Court of Justice for crimes against humanity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing & genocide. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that it is right for Israel to prevent food supplies from going into Gaza and for starving the people to death. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe that ALL MUSLIM countries should unite against Israel but rather I believe that ALL countries, whether Muslim, Christian, Hindu or anything else should unite against Israel. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

I do not believe in ethnic cleansing and the elimination and extermination of an entire race of people as a formula for the resolution of international disputes and I wholeheartedly condemn the holocaust that is being inflicted on the people of Gaza. If that makes me  anti semitic so be it.

Finally I no longer believe that Israel  has the right to exist & I believe that they forfeited that right when they chose to bathe in the blood of Palestinian women, drink the blood of Palestinian children & butcher the Palestinian people. If that makes me anti semitic then so be it.

75 years ago God in His infinite mercy & wisdom gave the Jews a new beginning, a new country and restored them to their former glory.

This was a great blessing but they squandered it by orchestrating the  Nakba, by refusing to share the land and live in peace with the Palestinians that they met there & by refusing to desist from treating them like animals, occupying their land & slaughtering them with impunity.

Sadly with their own hands they destroyed the great opportunity that God gave them & instead chose to visit the same unadulterated evil that the German Nazis once visited on them on the Palestinians.

If the truth be told, contrary to popular opinion, Israel is not a democracy but rather a vicious, heartless, bloodthirsty, parasitic, vampiric & blood-lusting apartheid state that applies one set of laws to the European Jewish colonial settlers that own & run it & another to everyone else.

To be an Arab, a Muslim or a Christian in Israel is hell & to be any of the above living in either Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq or anywhere else in the Middle East means that you could well be subjected to genocide, ethnic cleansing or mass murder by the Jewish state whenever they deem it fit.

It is for this reason that the entire civilised world is enraged with Israel  and that every right-thinking person expresses the following words from the inner recesses of their souls and with every fiber of their being.


And despite the double standards of the leaders of the western democracies, so it shall be to the glory of the Living God!

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