Home Articles & Opinions The International Criminal Court (ICC) has committed not just an aberration but an abomination

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has committed not just an aberration but an abomination

by Our Reporter
— By C. K. Ekeke
Despite my decision this year to stop wasting my time writing about Nigeria – and frankly about Black Africa – some colleagues pressed on me to publish this write-up after having some conversation earlier today about ICC and the purported invitation of President Buhari of Nigeria by the ICC to give a keynote address. Here is in a nutshell, what my conversation was about.  I’ll probably find time to write on this more because this weak and coward act by ICC president gives tremendous headache.
The invitation of President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, by Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, the leader of International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague, Netherlands to give a keynote address to mark the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the ICC – is not just an aberration but an abomination.
Wonders will never cease to happen in this evil and wicked world.  I have completely lost hope in the international world systems.  Who will save the vulnerable and poor masses?
I cannot believe in a million years that ICC, which was setup to prosecute individuals – especially war criminals, dictators, and tyrants for the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes – will invite this ex-dictator, a war criminal, a genocidist and Fulani jihadist to give a keynote address on human rights issues and rule of law at such reputable body – the International Criminal Court in Hague Netherlands.
Even more disturbing is that ICC President, Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji, is an Igbo from former Eastern region of Nigeria.  Does this Igbo jurist not hear, read and see the massacre of his people in Biafra land?
Does he not read about the decimation of the Shiites Muslims of Nigeria? Does he not read about the barbaric massacre of innocent and armless farmers and villagers by the marauding and murderous Fulani herdsmen– President Buhari’s kinsmen?
  Since Muhammadu Buhari was elected president in 2015, his kinsmen – the Fulani herdsmen are emboldened and have been massacring thousands of innocent citizens across the country especially in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria.
Does the ICC leadership not read about what is going on in Nigeria?
·        The northernisation of Buhari’s regime by only Fulani men.
·        The attack, assault and detention of politicians from the opposition party.
·        The assault and attack on the courts and judges in Nigeria.
·        The massacre of armless and peaceful Biafran youths seeking for freedom from systemic marginalization and satanic islamization agenda.
·        The massacre of thousands of Shiites Muslims.
·        The massive fraud and looting of funds and public treasury.
·        The abuses and assault on the Legislative.
·        The release of Boko haram terrorists and recruitment in the Nigerian Army to massacre innocent Biafra youths and Christians of Nigeria.
·        The false accusation, arrest and detention of Biafran Senator and Biafran entrepreneurs of international repute.
·        The bastardization of the economy of the former eastern region.
·        The oil spillage and massacre of young and armless Biafrans in the coastal region of Biafra.
·        Python Dance 2 and massacre of hundreds of armless Biafran youths – including the family dog in the royal home of the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB).  Until today, the where about of Nnamd Kanu and his parents – HRM Eze Israel Okwu Kanu and Lolo Ugoeze Nnenne Kanu are still unknown.  Even though, it was revealed recently that Nigeria’s Boko haram military are holding them in naval ship in the Mediterranean Sea in the Coastal region of Biafra land.
·        The list is inconclusive and does not contain well over 100 impeachable offences that Buhari has committed since he was imposed on Nigeria as president by former U.S. president Barack Obama and former U.K Prime Minister David Cameron.
How can ICC and its leadership honor such a genocidist and jihadist with such invitation?  Is ICC still part of this inter-connected world – where these heinous crimes against humanity are all over the Internet?
But the other question is how much has Buhari given to ICC body for them to commit this kind of atrocity and abomination?
The ICC have lost respect and it is very sad indeed that this invitation happened when an Igbo jurist is leading ICC.  It’s a shame.  Jurist Osuji will go down in history as a weak and corrupt ICC president – unless the speculation that President Buhari was invited to be cautioned about hundreds of petitions against him for human right abuses and killings under his watch – is correct.
Time will tell.
ICC and its leadership must surely explain to the global community the rationale behind this kind of aberration and stupid act.
I’m highly disappointed with ICC President, Judge Chile Eboe-Osuji. He’s a coward and a corrupt jurist. Tufiakwa!

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