Home Articles & Opinions Truth About Imo Today: What Rochas Is Doing

Truth About Imo Today: What Rochas Is Doing

by Our Reporter

Since I came back to USA recently, people have been asking me to tell them what is going on in Nigeria”nay Imo state.  Even when I resist the urge to discuss or write about Imo because I wanted to give the governor enough time to settle down, along comes an issue so compelling, so contentious, so irresistible that sweeps me off of my hibernating hole and tempting me to say something, add my voice to this issue or that issue—as if my lonely voice will make a change in a country where “anything goes attitude runs deep.  Living in Nigeria is at best unpredictable and at worst a pleasurable discomfort. How times have changed! Its better imagined than expressed.  Since I relocated my publishing business to Imo immediately after the election of Owelle Rochas Okorocha as the Governor, it has afforded me the chance to re-study the lifestyle of my people again”Imo people that is.

It’s like re-taking a class after a long period of hiatus from a class.  People tell me that my last write-up, How Ohakim Ruined Imo State Or Imo State is on comatose bed depending on the caption the editor gave it then was perhaps the final nail on the coffin of Ohakim unmitigated malversation.  After that article ran in many media, I was threatened and harassed by friends and admirers of Ohakim. Let me say it categorically clear for the benefit of those who have dim knowledge of me, I have no cobweb of regrets for writing that piece and I will be ready to do it again if the need arises. The mark of a reputable and fearless journalist is to tell the truth as it is, unfettered, unretouched, uncensored, unembellished–and stand by it, no matter whose ox is gored.  A journalist is like a social critic who is not fazed, concerned or driven by today’s sycophants who hang around an emperor with no cloth but writes history in a hurry for the next generation.

Today, another issue of different dimension has arisen and it calls for people of substance to speak up for the sake of posterity because a day would come when our generation yet unborn would ask us what happened on so and so date and what we did at that time. What is happening in Imo today is worthy of note. I say without fear, favor or equivocation that Governor Okorocha, who has been ranked among the top performing five governors in Nigeria, is transforming this state into the envy of any Nigerian anywhere. Â When was the last time you visited Imo State?

Did you see the new look that the state is wearing today due to rapid construction going on there?  Comparing what Imo looks like today to what it was during Ohakim’s rule is like comparing day and night.  Okorocha’s performance so far is simply breathtaking.  There can’t be a better testimony of the governor’s incredible performance than from our brethrens coming home this yuletide.  While most people who cherish good things happening in Imo state wonder how this governor is able to carry out all these massive developments within so short a time and with meager resources at his disposal, some skeptics shrug him off as a typical politician who starts well and only to detour and join the bandwagon at last.

Although, Imo has been wearing a new look, ironically the number of paid critics and goons, bean counters, election losers have been percolating.  This group sits down and writes garbage about the state.  These remnants of Ohakim’s staff whose source of livelihood was torpedoed with the advent of Owelle Rochas and another ”corrupt contractors–used to collecting mobilization fees who lost out in the contract award, the business as usual” politicians who reminisce the days of Ohakim when accountability was nonexistent.

Add that to the merchants who benefited from the ill gotten wealth of these filthy politicians. If you listen to the cacophony of discordant noises coming from some of these people or you are a new comer to the state, you would think that they represent the voice of the people¦ the voice of Imo people.  They don’t!  These groups continue to misunderstand the mind and mood of Imo populace.

Here is the real picture. With more local newspapers, magazines, yellow sheets and all kinds of publications than any other state, it has become fashionable for people to cluster around a newspaper vendor in major cities of the state discussing the goings on in the state.  If you listen in on the loud conversations of this group (which I occasionally do when I come to get my morning papers), they are singing the praise of indefatigable governors with Rochas always on top of the list. These people who are hardly lettered are simply saying what they see going on in Imo state without lying or embellishing the truth. Every day, I see old men and women, school children, pastors, priest praying, Chineke gozie Governor Rochas meaning God bless Governor Rochas. We love you, Owelle, another citizen scrawled on a bus stop. Truth is, Rochas Okorocha has so much following especially among the downtrodden. This group of poor masses that appear to have lost hope on those of us who are educated who continue to hide from the naked truth.  From what I saw in many places that I visited in Imo, the governor’s supporters practically worship him. In fact, the easiest way to incur the wrath of many of millions of his admirers is to criticize him in a public place as one man learnt at the Okpara road roundabout in Okigwe.

For the purposes of details and clarity, I will breakdown my report of what Okorocha administration is doing in Imo into three senatorial zones of the state namely Orlu, Okigwe and Owerri.

Perhaps, wanting his critics to hold him accountable for his work or lack of it, few months before work began in this ancient town which in the past has been the butt joke for comedians and even musicians who derided its underdevelopment and backwardness, the governor placed in front of Orlu Local Government Office for all passersby to see–a prototype photo, a glimpse of what the city would look like after the job is completed.  Despite the rains that initially muddled up things no sooner than work started on the roads, massive construction has resumed unabated in Amaigbo road, Owerri road, Owus Avenue and in major and minor road outlets in the town. Like Owerri, all the forgotten roads have been opened. Although Orlu has been wearing a new look, the construction companies handling these roads need to alleviate the sufferings of road uses by giving a facelift to the entry roads into the town. The road directly in front of St. Joseph in Orlu is horrible and nothing to write home. It’s a gully that has “eaten” many automobiles, the only survivors being SUV owners because it is built to be above the pool level.

To ease traffic, three roundabouts have been constructed at Banana junction, opposite Orlu Local Government and at the intersection between Owus Avenue and Amaigbo road. Believing that a recreational facility like a stadium can slow down traffic within a city, he relocated the old Orlu stadium to Owerri Ebiri. He has built what could be described as the biggest Motor Park in Nigeria, around Ogbosisi, along Owerri Orlu road, complete with gates and tolls for drivers to pay as a way to forestall touting. Directly opposite this park is a site earmarked for Skills Acquisition Centre. Work is yet to start on this project.  This is not to talk of a row of lockup shops for building material dealers also along Owerri “Orlu road which has been completed.  There is also the Orlu Plaza, built at the former Orlu motor park. The only problem with these plazas is that they are no takers. At a rent of N1 million a year, it is considered very exorbitant for residents of a small town like Orlu without major trading or wares to justify the cost.

When the governor heard that medical students of Imo State University Medical School at Orlu could not graduate after 12 years (instead of six years) of hard work and study because their school did not have a reputable teaching hospital, Governor Okorocha quickly shifted his focus there and within three months of assuming office, he renovated the modern teaching hospital there. The result is that students can now graduate while work has resumed in other buildings in that college abandoned by Ohakim’s administration. Governor Okorocha has signed a contract with a Spanish Company to build a five Star hotel in Orlu to be called Prince Hotel. Oguta Lake Resort which was abandoned but hyped by Ohakim administration as one of the wonders of earth that it built has been transformed into a real resort. He has built many bungalow sized houses with rooms that are impeccably well kept and can compete with any standard Five Star hotel anywhere in the world.

Like the enviable golf project in Uyo, Akwa Ibom, there is plan to build a 18-Hole golf course, conference center, Yatch, a beach, complete with flying boats there to make it a tourist haven for fun seekers drawn from all over the world.  These developments didn’t come easy for the governor. He bulldozed many houses, including his, along the entry roads to Orlu town. Once, I drove into Orlu and met the governor with his entourage at Carrot Junction. He had come to inspect the progress the contactors where making on the roads. I couldn’t believe what I saw and heard. Owelle, kwadawa ulo, obi di anyi nma o meaning, Go ahead and bulldoze houses, we are happy with you, Governor,Chineke gozie gi, meaning Governor, God Bless you.  How can people whose houses were destroyed wear happy faces even in the face of these destructions? This adds another meaning to the jingle by the state’s infamous governor, Ikedi Ohakim of “Suffer a little and enjoy forever.

I travelled to Okigwe as the Ohakim administration was petering out and lost all the Shocks Absorbers in my car to the dilapidated roads that could be described as death traps on major roads there. There were potholes there and gullies there.  In fact the pimply faces of these roads were reminiscent of Aba roads at the end of the Nigerian-Biafran wars. Currently, except for few, isolated cases, almost all the roads in Okigwe have been tarred and major entry road dualized. The asphalting of these major roads started before the advent of the rainy season but stopped at the distance from the Express Highway around Cho Genesis Hotels up to First Bank. As evidence of work being done, the asphalt tractor that was tarring the road is still parked in front of First bank.

Almost all the major roads including and up to the old High courts have been scrapped. According to inside sources in Owelle Rochas government, if not for the rains, they would have been completely asphalted. Recently, Governor Okorocha promised that all the roads in Imo state that have been scrapped would be tarred before the Christmas. Majority of Imo citizens that I spoke to are willing to give him more time to put things in place knowing that they never had it any better with either Ohakim or Udenwa’s maladministration. But like the entry road into Orlu which have been marred by the rains, Owerri road in front of Union bank and passing through Okpara road roundabout and leading up to Total Gas Station is in need urgent facelift before the main job. Passing through Amaraku when it rains is a nightmare. Â It has been so for years. Just like the Akabo road which became a road trap before a facelift was given to it recently, it’s practically impassable even after a slight rain and Okoracha government need to do something about it.

Just before I left for the States, the governor laid the foundation for a Five-star hotel of Princess  & Crystal hotel in Okigwe.  Government has paid 40 percent of the cost to a Spanish firm for this project. This hotel is in keeping with his promise to Okigwe people when he was campaigning– that if elected, he would make the town with its breathtaking hills and geographic scenery compare with Hollywood. When you have the doyens of Okigwe politics, such as John Onyegazi alias OK 2000, Alex Mbakwe, (son of the famous Imo Sate Governor, Sam Mbakwe) and other prominent Okigwe personalities grace the Foundation laying ceremony of this hotel , it says volume about the performance of the governor.  Okigwe has the highest appointments of high ranking officers in Owelle administration. To compliment the town as tourist town, the governor is also building a modern Shopping Complex, a cultural Center and a major International Stadium.

Also, Rochas administration has reopened the decrepit Tile factory at Nsu which had been abandoned for years. It is being managed by an Italian company. This factory clearly captures what is wrong with Nigerian rulers.  The contract was signed by Mbakwe administration some 30 years ago. Millions of Naira equipment ordered arrived and after that, it was abandoned. Since then, no one, nobody, not even our immediate past governor who ironically hails from this zone ever mentioned it until now. Despite this protracted neglect, the youths of Nsu continued to guide the huge equipments assembled for this factory hoping that one day a good government would come to jumpstart the project.  Was it any wonder that when a commissioner visited the site prior to it becoming operational again, angry Nsu youths who thought there was a clandestine plan to relocate the projects to another community confronted her? When fully operational, the factory is expected to produce 25, 000 Tiles a day.  Although Governor Okorocha has done a lot to reopen or renovate existing projects in Okigwe, a lot remains to be done. For instance, when I drive through the so called Agro Nova Fish Farm, it pains me to observe that this project which could have elevated the poultry need of the state has been abandoned.

Owerri  has also been wearing new looks.  Many forgotten roads have been opened for easy flow of traffic flow.  My goodness, even as an old Owerri resident and a news reporter during the regime of the former military governor of the state, Ndubisi Kanu when he worked round the clock to put this town on the map, I didn’t know there were these many roads now forgotten, cut off or closed by debris, erosion or built upon by unscrupulous landlords! For starters, there is now a new road beginning from Amakohia/Alvan road T-Junction with Bank road and going through the Umezuruike Hospital and linking less busy Royce Road which should be a quick bypass from the traffic plagued Douglas road to Aba. There’s the new Bongo and Hero Square, Hero Villa, big Children Amusement park,  President/Vice President Lodge, Governor’s and Deputy Governor’s, First Lady’s house, Odenigbo guest house of pride, Government Chapel- a place of worship for all denominations, Ojukwu Ikemba Center, all fully completed in a record time since he was elected.  Wait! There are more. He has renovated Government House, Exco Chambers, Army Commanders house, Sam Mbakwe Lodge (formerly the Multi Purpose hall) The Council of Ndi Eze Assembly, a row of Concord Annex buildings completely renovated and up for sale to highest bidders, Commissioner’s quarters, Concord Hotels and Casino all fully renovated.

He has reconstructed the Abuja liaison office, the Brigade commander’s guest house, State Police commissioner’s guest house, Governor’s lounge, Multi-purpose Hall in Oguta Motel, and many more!

Currently, Wetheral road roundabout and its dividing pavement are undergoing total overhaul and beautification. Although work has stopped at the new Multi Level Parking Complex at the intersection directly in front of Bank Road, it is expected it would resume this coming dry season. These noble projects have no doubt been attracting the attention of investors and developers.  For instance, Senator Annie Okonkwo recently announced that Imo government and a private company have entered into partnership to build a multi million naira shopping complex in the state.

 Recognizing the needs of a capital city in terms of guest and travelers lodging and accommodation, there is a plan to build another international hotel in Owerri to compliment Concord Hotel. Speaking of developments, almost all the communities in Imo state have felt the presence of Rochas one way or the other since he came into office.  There is the initial 24 km roads being constructed in all the communities in Imo which the governor has promised would be completed come December this year.  He has released N10 billions to contactors for the construction of 500 out of the 3000 kilometers roads he promised  before the end of his tenure.  I travel a lot and during my travels I saw that some of the 27 general hospitals in all the 27 Local Governments have reached Lintel levels.  There is plan by each of the 27 local governments to build a guest house.

Contrary to unfounded rumors that Okoroacha abandoned the Flyover project started by Ohakim administration, he has paid Recon Construction Company, RCC a sum of N250 million to complete this project.  As a mark of his magnanimity, he has also paid owners of demolished illegal buildings in Owerri a sum of N30 million as compensations for those structures.

Okorocha is working on the establishment of Imo Airline. He has contracted a Republic of Kososvo based company to float an airline for the state.

On housing, Rochas has signed a contract with a Houston, Texas  based Company, Jesus Mary & Joseph Holdings to build a 500 Texas model houses, nicknamed “ Diaspora Village  for Imo Citizens resident in the USA.  I heard from the grapevine that 200 of these houses would initially be built in Owerri followed by more at Orlu and Okigwe.

Prior to being a governor, Rochas Okorocha , a philanthropist who loves education and built five fully computerized schools at Ogboko, his hometown, Ibadan, Kano, Owerri and Jos where students from indigent families went to school free, is again planning to build a university where students can obtain their degrees without paying a penny. He has also entered into partnership with a foreign firm to help him build his own European University at his home town, Ogboko where one of his schools is situated. In the meantime, the state is building many one storey pre-fab model schools in several communities including in yours sincerely village. He has released a sum of N320million for the repairs of the dilapidated buildings in the schools and is paying teachers wardrobe allowance of N10, 000. This is changing the face of our primary schools all over the state. An Ireland based Roche Company is currently building additional 300 Primary and secondary school in the state.  The governor has assured that these modern schools would be fully computerized to complete in today’s global market.

The administration has established the Imo State College of Advanced Studies, the Scientist College or what is dubbed the Havard of Imo which is a school for a select group of best brains drawn from all schools in Imo State. Two new institutions have been earmarked for Okigwe senatorial zone namely, Turkish University and Imo State College of education while the Imo State Cooperative College at Ehime has been elevated to the status of a campus of Imo State State Polytechnic, Umuagwo .  This would give Okigwe zone a total of five institutions (that’s if you add Gregory University, a private university built by a former US-based Nigerian businessman, Iyke Ibe and St. Francis University) excluding Abia State University which is owned by Abia but within a shouting distance to the town.  Imo has the highest number of JAMB applicants in the federation, so the more the merrier.

By the way, no Imo State indigene can complain anymore that there is no money to pursue a university degree. Today, REAL free education is guaranteed to university level.  Notice the emphasis on real as this is different from what Ohakim attempted to hoodwink Imo people few days before he was thrown out of Douglas House.

If there is any legacy that Rocha Okorocha would leave for Imo, it is the total overhaul of the way the 27 Local Government of Imo operated before he was elected. In the olden days, these mini Governments were derisively nicknamed, “Okwe Agbala” government, meaning Manna has landed. What is the meaning of this? At the end of every month, these local governments which could be best described as humdrum, dead place and hardly betraying any form of activity, would all of a sudden with the payment of staff monthly salary, transform into a beehive of activity with market men and women swarming around to accost their debtors, the staff of the council that is, to settle their old debt, now that their salary sorry manna has landed, hence the sobriquet, Okwe Agbala. After this brief period of activity, the place now becomes dead as door nail and the staff returns to their “real” businesses in town while waiting for another end of the month to arrive to repeat this vicious cycle.

I knew that Imo local government system was dead when I saw an advert by Orlu Local Government thusly,  Caterpillars and Bulldozers for Hire I wondered how they could carry out this kind of advert when few yards away from where these rickety machines were miserably assembled, the roads are in dire need of just mere scrapping, grading or facelifts.  Not anymore! But with the coming of Rochas, he not only wants to transform these local governments into mini governments and active extensions of his adminstration, by making them accountable to their communities.  He has therefore established what he called the Community Government Council, (CGC).

Comprising of the community’s Town Union President who is the Secretary of this government, the Eze who is the head of this council, it has the Youth leader and the woman leader plus a a representative of the governor called the Community Liaison officer.  Every month, these CGC in each community receives a sum of N5million which is to be used for the development of that community. It has to account to its community how it spent this sum.  He also wants these communities to go into farming. What’s wrong with that? Folks, there can’t be a better way to hold the feet of these never do well LGA staff to fire than to have them account for the huge amount of money poured into them,  every month with little or nothing  to show for it. I still wonder till today what these local governments do except share monthly allowances–thanks to our Federal government and our constitution that insured that states do not even question or tamper with Local government funds. You wanna know what is corruption? Here is just one example:

According to Imo State commissioner of finance, Mr. Okafor, Ohakim spent 70 percent of Imo budget on salaries alone and only 30 percent on capital projects.  He revealed that Ohakim also used N1.5billion to build the so called Ahiajoku Center which the commissioner said it would have built with N200 million.  To buttress this point further, it points that Ohakim regime paid N680 million for the construction of a two storey Governors office while Rochas administration build a twin better, more modern Deputy Governor and First Lady’s house at N250 millions. Folks, this is what we saw during the eight years of my kinsman, governor Udenwa’s maladministration or Ohakim’s four year’s unmitigated malversation.

Many have rightly said and rightly so, that the rate, at which Imo was going, there was no way it could have competed with other states in terms of development.

Once in a lively conversation I had at Safari Club Owerri before I travelled back to the States, someone said that God sent Rochas to “resuscitate Imo from its comatose bed” and stop the financial Hemorrhage.

Another local newspaper commentator called him “Godgive Governor of Imo State” while other poets scrawled Thank You, Owelle” and another, “If you hate Owelle, try Abia”  on the now famous wall of Township School, Wetheral road, Owerri where he built a stretch of modern storey classroom blocks to house up to 4, 000 students.

By the way, our governor is not taking any salary for this thankless job and he has slashed his Security vote of N6 Billions to help fund free education to university level in the state.
Need I say more?

McLord Obioha.
Veteran Journalist.

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