Leonard Nzenwa
I raised this question recently but will provide the answer. He is Nyesom Wike, and myriads of spellings and misspellings have accompanied this name, yet he remains NYESOM WIKE.
This erstwhile Junior Education Minister from Rivers State, who in a yet-to-be-defined under the table manuovre upstaged his boss and took it a notch further by squaring up with his political mentor in a no-match brawl that saw him brutally bruised but unhumbled, remains unrepentant. He has again used apparati of the State to disrupt a planned peaceful protest by striking lectureres who are desirous of ending a strike that has snailed into months.
Is it not now getting clearer that an unholy alliance sealed in Port Harcourt between Former Rivers State Police Commissioner, Mbu T. Mbu .and Nysom Wike exists, and is now further being strengthened in Abuja with the former posting to the Federal Capital Territory, judging by the ruthlessly manner the Police descended on peaceful protesting lecturers and other stakeholders with water cannister and tear-gas. Do not forget that the Police Commissioners’ inugural pronouncement as the Police helmsman in Abuja was to advise residents to return back to their localities.
It is this warmongering cop that Nyesom Wike, the man who oversees Nigerians’ Education Sector, has forged front, to unsettle the more. I ask again, can a political bouncer, that which we label as thug in our clime, even though redeemed , and reformed too, by mountain of money and constant grafted prancing through corridor of the Presidency act less or behave differently from dyed-in-the-wool thug?
I ask again, can a carpenter or wood carver undertake the task of conducting anatomical surgery on a patient? I am sure that I will figure your answer correctly – an affirmative NO. I ask again, can a professional automobile driver fly an aircraft? Please don’t glory in the self-serving foolery that they ascribe the title of ‘Land Pilot’ on thier foreheads. Even though a Nigerian auto-technician might look like a bedraggled mentally sick man, to lead us into a conclusion that they are both one , and same, what is obvious, is that they are different.
Nyesom Wike is disaster demystified. And he will go down as Nigerians worst Education Minister, may be trailing Col. Ali, of the infamous ‘Ali Must Go’ episode behind in dishonourable second position.
A minister who will play politics with lives of students and youths can not be said to be worth his salt. He, by his abdurate character, actions and inactions have clearly derailed the nations’ effort to salvage an already comotose education sector.
How can a minister pitch students against their lecturers. What does he hope to achieve? The Polytechnics and Colleges of Education across the country have remained shut for about ten(10) months and the minister seem unperturbed, to the sickening extent that he organises political jamborees and rallies in Rivers State every week, yet the President, whose primary constituency is raped on all fronts, remains unfluffed on what to do, as a former lecturer. The only thing that is at the back of Nyesom Wike is to become the next governor of Rivers State.
Sad, indeed!