Colleagues, we have a guest in the house. I’m sure most of us know him but for the purpose of this encounter, he will introduce himself to us and tell us why he is here. You are welcome, Sir. The floor is yours.
Thank you.
Again, gentlemen of the media community, I remain Major Lancelot Anyanya (Rtd) but certainly not tired, certainly still committed to public service in the interests of the Federal Republic, for the good and welfare of Rivers State.
I have come in accordance with the requirements of our Party guidelines to submit my duly completed Nomination and Expression of Interest forms for the governorship of Rivers State on the platform of our great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party. Today again we take another huge step in our march towards restoring the greatness of Rivers State. Today we take another critical step in our quest to bring deliverance, healing and greatness to our people. That’s what we have come for and it’s certainly a delight to be here. It’s a great opportunity that God has given us and we are excited. We are sober. We are looking forward to it with enthusiasm.
(From The Punch)
Major Sir. I’m aware that you are among 16 governorship aspirants from Rivers State who complained about the last Saturday’s Ward Congresses. With your observations and what your group said yesterday, do you still have hope that the process will produce a credible and acceptable candidate from the Party?
Do you think the Party has the capacity to –you know, you are going into this election to unseat the APC government in the State?
Well, my friend and brother, let me be clear. Let me be clear.
First, I want to address the last point you made: whether we have the capacity as a Party to win Rivers State in view of recent happenings but I want to expunge a value judgment statement that you have made; that we are going into this election a divided house. That is wrong. That is not true. That is not the case. That will not be the case because as you know, every Party always has issues like every family. Our Party will come out of its issues. It’s already coming out united, stronger and better poised to deliver electoral victory as we have always done.
Gentlemen, you will remember that I have told you before and I will repeat it for the umpteenth time. The APC in Rivers State is an aberration. The APC in Rivers State has never won an election. Every elected official who has defected to the APC in Rivers State is actually carrying a stolen mandate. A mandate that belongs to the PDP and our commitment is that we will recover all that has been stolen from us. Not one will be left behind. That is our commitment.
Now in terms of our internal dynamics, I trust that you know that this Party, the only true national party that has not changed name or changed form but has capacity to reinvent itself continually and that is why it remains the peoples’ Party reflecting the vibrancy and dynamism of our population. Do not mistake that to mean weakness. Those who think so will find out that they are in for a shocker.
Let me repeat what I said the last time: that by the grace of God, Rivers State is fundamentally and irrevocably PDP. This aberration is coming to an end and today we have taken another turn- a critical one at that- in our quest to ensure that we put that aberration behind us. So Rivers State is PDP. We will win and whatever has happened or not happened, our Party has capacity to reinvent itself and to overcome.
For the avoidance of doubt, there was no ward congress in Rivers State. Our leaders have spoken on Saturday. The right and the necessary complaints have come to the Party Secretariat and we are of course engaging the normal remedial mechanisms available to our Party. Part of what makes our Party great, part of what makes our Party the party of choice, part of why you have about 24 aspirants on the platform of our Party… if that was not the party of choice, tell me how many candidates have bought from for governor on the platform of the APC.
Thank you gentlemen. It’s always a delight.